How To Collect Crimson Iron Bars For Leveling Up In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? (2024)

  • How To Build The Best POE 3.25 League Starter For Warden Ascendancy? - Lightning Strike Warden

    In Settlers of Kalguur League, Raider was redesigned as a Warden, a change that excited many players who were reluctant to give up Warden Ascendancy in Affliction League.

    Meanwhile, Lightning Strike received a huge buff in POE 3.25, so I combined this core skill to create a league starter for Warden, Lightning Strike Warden. I tried to make this build as tanky as possible to help you get from the beginning of the league all the way to the endgame. Without further ado, let’s get started!

    Lightning Strike

    Lightning Strike is a melee skill that converts half of your physical damage into lightning damage. It also has a secondary effect that fires a projectile every time you hit with a melee weapon. Both the melee and projectile attacks can hit the same target, but the projectile portion flies above the ground.

    This skill got a huge buff in POE 3.25, basically they just doubled the damage of this skill. That’s why we can start the league with this skill.

    Why Is It Worth Trying?

    I bet you have seen a lot of Lightning Strike Warden league starters. Now you must be curious about what is the difference between my version and other versions.

    First of all, my version is much stronger than other versions, while the damage is almost the same. The recovery ability of this version is very good, not only leech has 15% life regen per second, but it can be maintained all the time.

    In addition, we can generate Endurance Charges at any time. Our maximum Endurance Charges is 4, which reduces the elemental damage we receive by 16%. This is also maintained all the time.

    We also put a Warcry notable on the skill tree, so that we can cast our Warcry faster and get its Passive Mastery, so that you can benefit from your Warcry when there are no enemies around.

    See More: How To Complete Blight In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur?

    Precise Technique

    Since this is the beginning of the league and we can’t afford expensive weapons, I think it’s best not to crit so we can save a lot of POE Currency. So we’ll go with Precise Technique. If your Accuracy Rating is higher than your life, you’ll get 40% extra attack damage.

    You’ll need to keep your Accuracy Rating higher than your life when leveling up, but since we’re using Precise Technique when leveling up, that should be enough.

    By the way, we’ll get this Keystone around level 22. So your early damage will increase significantly.


    Next, let’s analyze our defense numbers. For a Warden, I think these numbers are pretty impressive.

    Our physical and elemental max hits are pretty high. Remember, this is without Molten Shell. If we equip it, then our tankiness will soar.

    Our life is close to 5k, but our Armour and Evasion is only 13k. If we fight against a normal boss, our physical damage reduction is 90%. So I think overall this build is pretty tanky. Even with the league starter gear, we can take a Shaper’s slam. Of course, our spell suppression is easily capped.

    Warden Ascendancy

    Honestly, the new Warden Ascendancy is pretty fun and I hope they’ll continue this type of rework in the future.

    Its Barkskin node is really good in the early stages, which will reduce the physical damage you take, so that’s why we made it the first point. And when you start losing Barkskin, your Evasion starts to go up. Also, Reserve was also reduced in this patch, so as a 10% aura, this is pretty good.

    The next node is Oath of Spring. In simple terms, this is similar to Wither, just increases the elemental damage the target takes instead of chaos damage. It starts to stack when you start attacking with melee skills. In the configuration, I only set it to 20 stacks so as not to increase the damage. But I think you should get more damage from it.

    Avatar of the Wilds is our big burst damage. Every time you deal Chill, Shock, Ignite, or any other Elemental Ailments, you gain a stack. When it reaches 100, you gain 80% more elemental damage.

    The last node is something we haven’t seen before. We can now stack two Scorch on an enemy. By default, Scorch will reduce the enemy’s Elemental Resistances, which was originally only 30% for this reason, but now it will be 60%. But you need to deal high fire damage to get a high% Scorch. This is why we use Anger as one of Offensive Auras.


    Next, let’s talk about some of the items you need for this build.

    You can rest assured that the two unique items you need to complete Lightning Strike Warden are completely affordable. Only 5 Chaos Orbs are required on the first day of the league.

    The first is Lightning Coil, which is the best choice for reducing physical damage. Honestly, I don’t even know how the right side of the skill tree will deal with physical damage if they nerf this item in the future.

    The other item is Perseverance Belt. This will give us Onslaught, and will increase our damage for every 200 Armour and Evasion we gain. We also get Fortify in the build, since we have Fortify Mastery assigned. Additionally, we will take 20% less damage from hits.

    It is worth noting that we have an open Flask Slot. I will reserve it for Tincture when we know what this mod is available for.

    We also have access to a very interesting new Keystone, which is Bloodsoaked Blade. You will need to unassign two Life Nodes in exchange for being able to select and start Tincture right now, and the uptime is pretty good.

    The damage provided by Tincture is simply insane for a Flask Slot. So, if you are playing this build or just planning to do so, keep that in mind.

    All in all, this version of Lightning Strike Warden is very satisfying to me, and its high tankiness, coupled with its strong damage output, will definitely get us to the end! What do you think of this? See you next time!

  • A Deep Dive Into The Shipping Rewards System In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur

    In this guide, we will explain Shipping Rewards System and scaling in POE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, from upgrading ports to setting the right set of resources in trade to improve loot using POE 3.25 Shipping League mechanic, everything you need to know is here.

    Secret Tips

    Before you get started, there are a few things you must know. For those who have tried to fill up Risk Bar by sending random resources, you have been doing it wrong all along, because increasing Shipment Risk does not increase the chance of a boss spawn.

    Another important information is that when your cargo arrives, do not use a low level character to collect the rewards! Because the item level of the rewards depends on your character level. Black Flags ports basically reward you with Runes, while Green Flags ports give Tattoos. The more you send, the more Runes/Tattoos you get.

    But it’s not that simple. I recommend spending more time on Runes farming, as Runes can become cores like some Tattoos. This is a powerful Benchcraft system, so don’t miss out on the league mechanic.

    Upgrading Ports

    If you send too many resources to a port, Risk Bar will fill up and you won’t get any excessive loot, because this thing is set based on the port tier. So pay attention to the popular resources.

    You can send whatever you want, but in order to upgrade the port, you have to meet the resources they want. Every time you complete a task from a port, you can send more resources. This means you can earn more POE Currency from it. This is basically how Shipping system progresses.

    Scaling Rewards

    Now here’s something weird, though. Someone ran an entire set of shipments that only focused on 1 port. Later he tried Ribbon, and soon after completing the task, that port jumped to the tier of Ngakanu he was working on. It’s like the entire archipelago is either connected, or it’s a bug. It could also mean there’s some kind of global scaling on your per-process as well.

    In each Quota section, you can see a percentage value in green. This is the most important part and also your reward multiplier. The higher the multiplier, the better quality of loot you get. So a high base value of shipment will multiply with this percentage value multiplier. Once you complete your Quota, it will go away.

    Note that this multiplier only applies to the resources you need for each port. It’s exactly like a Mapping system. So you can’t just throw all your Scarabs with an Atlas Tree and try to get the exact same loot with this method because someone else is throwing all their Scarabs with Atlas Tree. You have to scale the base value by rolling the monster pack size with a high-level map. That’s how it works here, too. After all, this is POE.

    Speaking of mined resources, don’t trade Ores, sell Bars. The more the better! Because a good way to measure the final loot is by the trade value! This is where it can get pretty messy. Because sometimes a certain combination of resources can significantly increase the trade value. You can test it out to see which is the best combination. But this can be very time-consuming for every shipment you send.

    Of course, we also briefly tested this resource combination. As I predicted, Thaumaturgic Dust is great for scaling multipliers. Small amounts of Dust do seem to help increase loot, but there are huge diminishing returns.

    Now it’s important to note that if you mix several resources in a shipment, you can multiply the loot of all items with some Thaumaturgic Dust, even if the fulfillment is just Wheat. But the base value of the quantity of these resources is low anyway, which means it’s a low multiplier and a waste of money.

    So you’re better off just focusing on the other important aspect of scaling loot, which is upgrading your Ports to the highest level. Not only do you get faster speeds and more crew to handle shipments, you also get a multiplier that scales your fulfillment value. This directly means you have more resource sending capacity!

    Also, since you have a total of 3 ships to deal with, if you’re having a hard time with Gold, you can batch farm Synthesis Maps, which will earn you an average of 15k Gold per run, which takes about 3 minutes.

    Try Different Ports

    You might want to ask why not focus on one port and farm things like Scarabs or Catalysts from the beginning? By the way, some Runes are also quite expensive, so focus more on Black Flags ports. There are many answers to this.

    One of the reasons is about the fact of reward scaling. If you send resources that meet the quota of a specific port, you will get a lot of rewards that are multiplicative in trade value. The multiplier only applies to the resources required by each port.

    If you constantly send unsolicited resources to a port, such as Verisium, hoping to get Fragments, what you will get will be items of very low value.

    Therefore, most of the time, you have to send cargo based on what you have and what they want. Secondly, in terms of distance, ports that are farther away will have larger cargo holds. It is more time-consuming, but you can exchange higher value for distance in the multiplier reward system.

    Overall, this part of the league mechanic is perfectly designed and well-balanced.

    Don’t Hit The Red Bar

    If you send more items than the port level can handle, you will notice a high risk warning. Nothing to panic about. Because as you meet the supply needs, things get better. Just like on the map, the greater the risk, the more gambling it is. Still, if you want to get consistent loot, don’t hit the red bar.

    Another thing you can do is to hire more crew members to prevent red alerts. After all, it is designed from a practical point of view. The higher the crew level, the more experienced they are in handling the job. But of course, none of this will have any impact on the outcome of losing them or being requisitioned by Pirates. Because that’s pure RNG.

    And please note that you don’t have to hire more crew members in low-level fulfillment. They will just waste money. Unless you are doing some high value shipments, you don’t need a 4-man team.

    These are all the tips for you to start shipping at POE 3.25 and try to get the maximum reward scaling. Do you have any other ways to achieve more efficient shipping? See you next time!

  • In Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur league, Black Knight is a unique boss character. He introduces new boss mechanics and loot rewards, making him well worth the effort. Since fighting Black Knight is rare, players should take advantage of it when it comes. Here are some tips to help you find and defeat Black Knight in POE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur.

    Where To Find Black Knight?

    Black Knight will spawn in Starfall Crater. For players who like to travel around the map, it may be found in a random location in the new area. This entrance is similar to Twisted Burrows in Affliction League, which also appears in Settlers of Kalguur.

    It should be noted that Black Knight is level 83, so it can be speculated that Starfall Crater will appear on a level 16 map. In Settlers of Kalguur league, several mechanics are introduced to encourage players to explore more. These include Nameless Seer, who provides free random unique items and the ability to scry maps, which can appear anywhere on the map, such as Starfall Crater.

    To increase the chance of finding Black Knight, the best strategy is to explore Tier 16 maps that are easy to run around. Doing so will increase your chances of encountering Starfall Crater. It is recommended to avoid maps that are difficult to explore, such as Maze, Dungeon, Cage, and other non-linear maps.

    Black Knight Boss Fight Guide

    In the fight against Black Knight, players need to adopt a head-on strategy, which usually involves alternating between two or three moves. Black Knight will use a Whirling Blades attack (similar to the effect of a skill gem), followed by a dash in a straight line. When the player gets close to Black Knight, he will launch a slam.

    The most dangerous attack in this phase is Black Knight’s 180-degree piercing projectile attack. For players with more than 3500 life and maximum suppression and resistance, they can withstand one such attack. However, if the player does not have an additional layer of defense and their health is below this threshold, they cannot withstand this attack and may be killed in one blow.

    When the boss reaches 80% and 40% health, he will become temporarily invincible. Black Knight will summon Verisium Pillars, which he will use to fire lasers at you while narrowing the area of ​​the fight. To avoid these lasers, you will need to hide behind the pillars. But be aware that the pillars will be penetrated by lasers after a few seconds, and you will need to quickly move to the next pillar. It usually takes three pillars to wait out the boss’s invincibility.

    Then, when the boss’ health drops further to 60% and 20%, he will also become invincible and summon a rock storm, with Verisium Meteors falling from the sky. As long as you can avoid these falling rocks in time, you will be safe during this stage.

    If you fail at any stage of the fight with the boss, you will be revived outside the entrance of Starfall Crater, rather than when you hideout. You can try to reenter and continue the fight regardless of how much HP Black Knight has left. It is worth noting that sometimes you may not enter Starfall Crater again after a failure. This may be random or the system may provide you with a chance to try again during each battle phase.

    Black Knight Drops

    In the battle with Black Knight, you have a chance to obtain a unique item, Svalinn Girded Tower Shield. He also drops random runes, which are required for Runesmithing in Kingsmarch. If you don’t plan on using these runes, you can sell them for PoE Currency.

    Around the arena or crater, you’ll find the most valuable rewards: five Verisium deposits, one of which is an unusually large deposit. Make sure you mark or mine these precious Verisium Ores and assign your workers to handle subsequent mining. Given how valuable these ores are in Kingsmarch area, it’s definitely worth challenging the Black Knight to fight for them whenever you explore Starfall Crater.

    That’s all you need to know before fighting Black Knight in POE 3.25!

  • How To Quickly Develop Your Kingsmarch Town In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur?

    Settlers of Kalguur is without a doubt one of the most complex league mechanics ever introduced in Path of Exile. They introduce an entire town to manage and promise substantial rewards if you manage it well.

    Since the introduction of leagues, we have been focusing on building up Kingsmarch town, maximizing the use of each building, hiring the best workers we can, and exploring how to get the most rewards.

    Through this guide, I will share everything I have learned, from how to quickly grow your town, to maximizing your shipping rewards, and even a little about the automated map device. Without further ado, let’s get started!

    How To Quickly Upgrade Kingsmarch?

    First, I want to talk about how to effectively progress when upgrading Kingsmarch. It is important to upgrade everything as quickly as possible, as this will allow you to generate more resources faster, and enable you to cash in those resources for better rewards.

    Early on, you will be limited by various resources, forcing you to upgrade a few buildings in a certain order. But once you start grinding the map, those resources will no longer be an issue. This also means you’ll have more freedom in terms of upgrading your town.

    Gold Farming

    From now on, the main bottleneck to unlocking everything will be primarily Gold, with Dust also being a significant bottleneck to maxing out Mapping and Disenchanting.

    At this point, your priority should be to max out Mining. When Mining reaches its highest level, a bonus is provided, allowing you to gain Gold when you collect Ores on a map - equal to the number of Ores you collect. It’s not a huge Gold gain, but it will give you an extra 1-2k Gold per map, which combined can help you unlock the rest of your town faster.

    If you really want to max out your town quickly, and your main bottleneck is Gold, then I recommend farming Synthesis Maps, which are also the best way to max out Kingsmarch quickly. Each map gives about 15,000 Gold on average and takes less than 3 minutes to complete.

    You can get these maps in bulk and get hundreds of thousands of Gold in a short period of time. Plus, there’s quite a bit of premium POE Currency you can get from grinding maps!

    Disenchanting Dust

    Once you have control over Gold, the next major bottleneck is Dust.

    As we will discuss in Shipping section, Dust is a very important resource and you will need quite a bit of it to maximize the power of Mapping and Disenchanting.

    You will not be spending any Dust on Mapping until Disenchanting is maxed out. The reason for this is that the last upgrade to Disenchanting unlocks the ability to disenchant unique items.

    This is a very important upgrade because unique items disenchant into much more Dust than rare items do. The amount of Dust you gain is proportional to the item level, so make sure to put in high level rare items during Disenchanting, then disenchant any unique items you find once you have disenchanted to the max.

    Dust will still be valuable during the final stages of Settlers of Kalguur, so you should set your loot filter to show all unique items and pick them up.

    Hiring Workers With High Traits

    At this point, you will find that it is really just a matter of grinding for Gold. Not just for upgrading buildings, but also for hiring workers. The last upgrade for Tavern lets you hire workers with Traits up to level 10 and gives you the opportunity to do an “Enhanced Reroll”.

    Each reroll costs 22,000 gold, and Trait may be raised to level 10. But without using Enhanced Reroll, you will almost never see a Trait higher than level 6. Of course, even with Traits, levels 9 and 10 are extremely rare.

    So it goes without saying that having a full team of level 10 workers in your town will be a long-term goal for a league.

    How To Maximize Rewards?

    Once you have everything maxed out, and your town is generating resources, there are two different ways to cash in the actual rewards: Shipping and Map Devices.


    I’m going to talk about Shipping first. The way Shipping works is that each shipment has a “Shipment Value”. This Shipment Value determines the quantity and quality of the rewards you receive. As for the type of rewards you receive, it depends on the resources you ship and which port you ship them to.

    For example, if you deliver 500,000 Shipment Value worth of crops to Kalguur, you’ll get a ton of currency. 1,000,000 Shipment Value will earn you twice as much.

    Higher-level resources contribute more to Shipment Value, but there’s a cap on Shipment Value, which is determined by the crew’s Trait level. I must warn you, though, that as Shipment Value goes up, past a certain point, you’ll start to accumulate risk, which is not what you want.

    Note that the final Shipment Value isn’t just the sum of all the resources you shipped. There are two very important multipliers here that multiply Shipment Value, giving you even more rewards.

    The first is Thaumaturgic Dust. Just sprinkle some on each order and watch your cargo skyrocket in value. Just 55 Dust is enough to double your Shipment Value, and around 8,000 Dust is enough to triple it, which is absolutely crucial!

    The second important multiplier is Quota Bonuses. Each port has a list of resources they want, and if you meet that quota, then the specific resource you used to meet the quota will receive the listed multiplier.

    Quotas start out fairly weak, but once you meet them a few times, the port will upgrade and Quota Bonuses will apply to more resources. It is so important to meet your quota that you shouldn’t even ship unless you can meet your quota. You’re better off waiting or you’re just wasting resources because you’ll get much less in return than you would have otherwise.

    Automated Mapping Devices

    The other fundamental way to get bonuses from Kingsmarch is with automated mapping devices. When fully maxed out, you can run up to three Atlas Devices at once.

    Note that you need to be running a top level Atlas to run a T16 map, and the risk of worker death is unavoidable. Because of the constant threat of death, this may not be worth it until we get better traits.

    And one thing you have to understand is that if you want to keep those three Atlas Devices farming, you absolutely need to invest a lot of money in Enhanced Reroll and hiring. I think maxing out Atlas runs seems unattainable at the moment, considering they have at least a 1% chance of dying on every map. I kind of wish GGG would increase the odds of getting high-level Atlas Runners. It’s ridiculous right now.

    Boss Encounters

    Finally, I wanted to quickly cover the bosses you can fight. We’ve only encountered 2 of them so far, but they’re both pretty simple. For Verisium Boss, you just have to dodge attacks for a short period in the shrinking arena.

    For Bandit, who kidnaps your Atlas Runners, you just have to dodge a few Burning Arrows. If you have a strong build, don’t forget to grind on T16 map. These bosses won’t be much of a danger to you at all. So don’t be afraid to fight them if you feel you’re up to it!

    Anyway, hopefully these tips can help you build your Kingsmarch better! See you in the game!

  • What Is The Function Of The New Resource Wheat In Path Of Exile 3.25?

    In Path of Exile 3.25, Settlers of Kalguur introduced numerous resources around Kingsmarch Settlement league mechanic.

    Among them, Wheat was introduced as a new resource to establish trade routes with other settlements. Here is a detailed introduction to how to get and use wheat in Settlers of Kalguur in Path of Exile 3.25. In addition, if you need other resources or equipment, you can visit PoE Items to unlock more character performance.

    How To Grow Wheat?

    In PoE 3.25, players must grow wheat in their personal Kingsmarch Settlement. Unlike map marking method used for ore resource mining, players need to build their own Farms and then recruit Farmer NPCs in Farming Plots to look after wheat. Here are some specific steps for your reference.

    • Open your Kingsmarch Settlement page, go to Town Hall in the center, find the hammer icon labeled Town Improvements, and click it.
    • Spend 15 Gold and 5 Orichalcum Ore to upgrade your Kingsmarch Settlement to Rank 2. Orichalcum Ore is a mineral resource that you can obtain through map markers. Then set your Miners in Kingsmarch.
    • Next, you need to unlock Farm. Please go to Sonja in the north of Kingsmarch and spend 50 Gold to unlock it. After that, your Farm Rank will be displayed as 1, and you can use two Farming Plots in Farm.
    • When using plots, you need to change Farming Resource type to Wheat and you can plant it.
    • Return to Town Hall and find Recruiter Raulf to ask him to help you find some Farmers to take care of the growth of Wheat. If it shows that Farmers are understaffed, please refresh the page and search again.
    • Arrange Farmers to work in your Wheat farms and wait for Wheat to grow slowly.
    • Pay attention to Gold balance in your Treasury to pay Farmers on time. You can go to Town Hall in Kingsmarch to find Johan to help you increase the amount of Gold.

    The Role Of Wheat

    As a Crop resource, as mentioned above, Wheat is mainly used in Harbour of Kingsmarch for Trade Routes, and is deeply loved by the first Trade Route you will visit later-Settlement Riben Fell.

    When determining the benefits of Trade Routes for you, the first 16 units of Wheat you give to Riben Fell will bring you an additional 40% profit. You can slowly accumulate game rewards and exchange them for some profit, such as Divine Orbs, or trade directly.

    As the game progresses, you will have numerous plots in Farming Plots. In order to gain more game results, please be sure to keep planting Wheat and ensure the supply of hired personnel to provide a stable source of Wheat. Of course, if you want to make or enhance other equipment and reorganize the passive skill tree, you can get PoE Currency to gain a better gaming experience.

    When you enter the final level, enough currency is very important for conquering raids or final bosses, so we recommend that you collect some Chaos Orb for emergency use.

    The above is a detailed introduction to Wheat in Path of Exile 3.25. I hope it will be helpful to you.

  • How To Build And Level Zoomancer Necro In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - A Recommended Guide

    Path of Exile Zoomancer Necro build is an older build that looks to be getting some renewed attention in POE 3.25. This build is centered on minions and is perfect for players who prefer a more passive and safe gameplay.

    Launched on July 26 by Grinding Gear Games, Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur league introduces a number of changes, including balance updates, a complete melee mechanic rework, and some new content never before seen. Many of these changes seem designed to shake up the meta of Path of Exile in favor of builds that use melee.

    In this article, we’ll discuss how to properly configure Zoomancer Necro build and look at how to level it up quickly and efficiently.

    Zoomancer Necro Build Guide

    For players looking to experience a different playstyle in Path of Exile 3.25, Zoomancer Necro build could potentially offer a new and interesting experience. While it may not be the most widely known build, it offers a very safe and unique gameplay experience, especially for players who want to move away from traditional melee or spellcasting characters.

    This build features a series of powerful minions that do all the damage instead of relying on a single character ability for combat. In Zoomancer Necro build, your army will be composed of Zombies, Crushclaw Spectres, Golems, and Animated Guardian. These minions will follow you and automatically deal melee damage to nearby enemies, while also taking attacks from enemies. Your major task is to ensure that these minions are summoned effectively and use their skills to optimize combat efficiency.

    In order to maximize the efficiency of your allies, Zoomancer Necro build also relies on multiple auras to strengthen your team, allowing them to more effectively sweep away enemies for you. These key auras include Determination, Hatred, Generosity, and Skitterbots. It is crucial to keep these auras constantly activated and ensure that they are properly connected. For example, incorrectly combining Generosity with Determination may result in the loss of additional armor.

    Some of the recommended gear for Zoomancer Necro build in the late game of Path of Exile include Convening Wand, Bone Helmet, Triad Grip, and Aegis Aurora. These recommended gear, while costing some POE Currency, are clearly worth it as they will allow you to tackle the highest difficulty content.

    Zoomancer Necro Leveling

    The leveling process for Zoomancer Necro build in Path of Exile may not be particularly intuitive to new players. One key point to note is that you cannot take advantage of Melee Splash Support until you reach level 8. Until then, you should rely on non-minion skills such as Frost Bomb, Freezing Pulse, or Rolling Magma to assist with leveling.

    Once you have Melee Splash Support, you can link it to your strongest skill to continue to rely on minions to level up until you reach the next critical level, level 12. You will obtain Absolution, a crucial leveling skill in this build. The best links to use with Absolution are:

    • Minion Damage Support
    • Added Lightning Damage Support
    • Added Cold Damage Support

    Once you enter Act 2 of Path of Exile, you will unlock Summon Skitterbots aura. This aura is extremely useful during leveling and in the late game, providing a lot of damage output while also increasing utility. You should add this skill to your build as soon as you get it.

    With both Absolution and Skitterbots integrated into your Zoomancer Necro build, you will have all the tools you need to complete the entire campaign.

    With these skills and strategies in hand, your Zoomancer Necro build is ready to take on the big guns in Path of Exile 3.25.

  • How To Collect Crimson Iron Bars For Leveling Up In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? (2024)
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    Name: Rob Wisoky

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    Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.