The exuberant merges since the My Heritage combo, has formed many problematic issues, especially overeager mergers.
Would you please undo and restore the various profiles for Michael. I have seen a variety of family trees, some guessing a wrong birth year, another fully loading records with a father named Grotius, but most are always the same, showing him as descendant of Leonora Christina and Corfitz Jacobsen Ulfeldt (not this other cousin by the same name, distinguished as a different person by the endng "til Mattrup/Mallrup". This other guy is not his father, that is his first cousin once removed if Michaek's father. They two ate, a grandson and a younger son, of the same Jacob (Jakob?) Ulfeldt.
I have typed this so many times, with one finger, on a smartphone, and right at the finish your system deletes the detailed info I provide. I can't do it again. You can please undo the false and unsourced info, as it has changed every ancestral connection and relatiomship, above and below 1658, for thousands of people (our 28th great grandparents are now great Aunts and Uncles, and your system has now matched me, and is sending me, people who are false matches even, to known ancestors, but changing them to a different brother, which begets a different kingdom, and a different queen, from another lineage and Country. It's a wreck. I am descended from Louis the Pious on my Grandfather's side, and from the mother of his Grandma Hildegard of Vinzgau's Mother, Emma/Imma, Orinzesdon de Alemwnnie from my Gtandma. They both have a nice lineage, and all clear. Now it is a wreck, and Geni has an integrity issue to quickly rectify.
Latch-ons are grabbing onto this. Michael''s son Morton, lost his nicknsme, an enormous clue to the name of the farm family he had to be left with in Viborg (new baby, too young to travel through a warzone back to Malmö, who may have been a premi, due to.circ*mstance including Leonora being there while her mother was dying at Böller Castle (d. Aor 1658(baby came after the funeral thankfulky) and Corfitz had left to another battle to take Copenhagen, after taking Jutland, and breaking a Treaty of Roskilde, working for the King of Sweden... She could never go home again, nor could she go back for the baby, ever.
If your system woukd have not deleted my chronology and all the research as to place and date, and who was where when, it would be self- evident. I can't do it a sixth time. So frustrating.
Please reverse bad merge(s), and take off these erroneous parents. Someone has also been messing with a Danish site called Finn Holbæk, about til Mallrup, and it is also dated May 2023, like the bad merge. The wife, an Ahklefeldt, did not yet have all the extra kids he got, yet, but he, Mallrup, got quintuplets due to no known birthdays...a rush job. There are other changes that have occurred suspiciously, and gradually, making one "factoid", refer to another, probably (awhile back, the whole story about his upbringing, at Corsaelitze, where there is another house, smaller and towards the sea, perhaps, more private and through the forest path to the ocean, I haven't been there yet. That got all changed to another island, (my Wikipedia bookmark went to Selsø? [Never had heard of it], instead of to Cotsarlitze. Very weird. Same oeople, virtually same story, but different place, not the one that is the only place ever mentioned for his upbringing, ever. Selsø, might be connecting him to this til Mattrup cousin, instead of whst appeared to be a life estate for the sister who did not get to go travel with the proceeds, "as befits young nobles", who sold to a former servant of Leonora's father, King Christian IV...but there may have been a land swap attached in that deal...). Even the ownership history of Corsarlitze is now changed, to no longer match- up with when shr would have died, life estate,ends, and Michael gets emancipated out, gets citizenship, gets married (maybe got citizenship because he got married?, which is fine, and accomplished his legal namechange in the process. (Son if a passong sailor at Randers? A founding? Son of Ms. Leth, anything but Ulfeldt at that time in history , which is why the person wrote Michael Grotsen Leth (Ulfeldt)
I think Selsø was inheritted by this other branch of Ulfeldts (now that they are off of Corsaelitze that is). Problem, it's an island on the Baltic, north of Copenhagen, I think's bern awhile since I looked it up, and not even near the course of his life and development, (birth, childhood, marriage, job, family, death)- he had the same exact job as his father had, as Sheriff in Stege. Selsø, an island north of Copenhagen, is nowhere near Randers, Fyn, Nykobing Falster & settled on Stege until the end if his life., where he worked, raised a family, lived a married life, sent his kids back to Black Friars school for education documented as university graduats, (some, not all). I think perhaps more than just Morton, was not actually his child, and his wife was buried IN the church, for being so saintly in covering all this. And remember, his family are the records keepers. She is buried as Sizilia, still cloaking her identity a bit, eh? Protecting the children i would think. A major bookmark on where Michael was raised, now redirects same story and people, to a different island elsewhere...trying awfully hard to get Michael, the youngest son of Leonora and Corfitz born 1658 in Randers, where that region had plenty of medical help, hospitals, cloisters for womens privacy, run by the Black Friars churches (Sta Catarina church in Ribe, was officiated by Christian Leth(Ulfeldt) atvsome point...and they all had to change their names, of course, at some point when the exile order came down.. He was given another second congregation later, by Queen Christina of Sweden's help, after she turned Catholic and moved to Rome (abdicated). They also provided religious training, education and medical care (lije if you hwve a baby, fsr from homr, with no one to, wnd need a doctor). Michael had his kids go there, where they are listed university graduates, some of them. He kept his connection to Viborg, Ribe, Randers, Vejle people, and the Lens were more intertwoven and fewer, than the Amts.
One of your Michael profiles said (Grotius), and I have seen a lineage for that, which may or may not be a cover up, to save lives and hide their identities. Or, there may be more than one Michael Grotsen, like a Lisa Marie of the 80's.
The Fogh and Leth families were old nobility, from Leonora's father's time, and Viborg was a sacred place for centuries, if not the Capitol. It was a good area of connected Lens (before 1660 Amts did not exist yet, but Lens and Lensman, with greater judicial authority did). It was where she could get help, to have her baby alone, dead mother, husband gone to sack Copenhagen, and after the funeral for her mother (who she was ultimately not allowed to see at the her half-brother the king (good thing she went early, with Corfitz going to seige of Jutland from the south, summer 1657. Then the fall came, she had seen her eldest son who would go on to become a Priest - perhaps explaining the wife/partner he once showed elsewhere, for a short duration of his life, and then, Morton turns up on Micharl's profile (#3 profile?? idk), with two Fathers. I am guessing Morton was Christian's, and the mother died in childbirth birth. Christian and Michael are BOTH listed as the father, which makes perfect sense, if you are descendent from Christian, you would likely know it. Michael, was raised by an Aunt Ulfeldt, supposedly, but the likelihood of other versions that have him raised by her Lady's Maid, Ms. LETH, and grew fondness with them, using their name (also an old nobility family...trusted sources), is much mote likely than the Ulfeldt Aunt herself, or an Ahlefeldt. No Ahlefeldts anywhere that I recall, on our tree, unless maybe a straggler somewhere I forgot.
There is so much more, and records of both his marriages at Nykobing Falster, 1692 and 1693 (which probably show his birth date and esoecially the year- 1658 is normal, but 1670 sometimes tries to squish him into being a son of Leo (b. 1651?? No way). The multitude of namechanges and spellings, for him and his wife, and the great clue on Morton's nickname, FOGH, those are missing, deleted, and do is cecilia's father, a great mystery also, from what I've seen, but it hasn't grabbed me yet. Fogh, is the farm family in Viborg where he was entrusted, when Leonora was beseeched to come back to Malmö, to take care of Corfitz, and the other children, after the Swedish forces had crossed the frozen belts and tried to take Copenhagen. She had to cross through all that warzone too, now an enemy of if both sides. Corfitz was cozying up to Danish nobles, unsatisfied with his reward from the Swedish King, so they deemed him a traitor in both Countries. He had a stroke, couldn't talk, there was a trial Leonora successfully defended him. They got a guilty verdict, but no jail nor death sentence ever was carried out, and then they were allowed to leave, going back to Copenhagen. Somewhere in 1662 and 63, they were in Bornholm Island prison, 1+ 1/2 years, at first together. By 1663, the exile order came, after they were out of Hammerhus (Bornholm). And Corfitz sentenced to death this time by Denmark. They could never go back for Michael, our lost baby ancestor.
Please fix it how it was, because all the profiles for him may be true, and there may be a Grotius, father of a different Michel/Mikkel_Michael. I have only seen this Ahlefeldt substitution once or trice, on all the registers and geneoligies i haven't seen for Michael Grotsen Leth, son of L&C, born 1658 @ Randers.
The Clergy protected them, heloed keep them safe. As the Leth family, they contributrd to their community in Stege. Without any records, please do not allow these changes and omissions.
Your computer is now sending out false matches, back into my 28th great grandparents, or atleast that's where I noticed the mushroom cloud of relationship errors. It's quite shocking to receive a text that says you are now losing your GGP's who are largely becoming your great Aunts & Uncles, (because til Mallrip is Corfitz' first cousin once temove). Corfitz' older brother, had a son by the same family name, with til Mallrup at the end, to distinguish them. One is a younger child named for his father, and the other a grandson of that sane Jakob/Jacob,, by an eldest son, or one of the eldest sons, named for his grandfather - the same Jakob.
Anyway, the medieval tree is now all messed up, sending people to other countries for spouses they never heard of, in Countries that make no sense and are incorrect. My grandfather is descended from Charlemagne, my Grandmother is descended from Hildegard his wife that gave him all the heirs (and cured him of his need for a mistress, wven after her death...sound familiar? Leonora made the role of mistress, obsolete). I am descended from Louis the Pious, not Pippin I of Italy. I have the a Two Sicilies in there, but not by him. I think it was from my relation to Ramon Bereguer and Petrronela, who was promised to.him by the king of Aragon, if he would h3melp defend against Castille. Their son took the title of King, whereas Ramon never did, even though he ran the place while the dad retired to a monastery, and even after dad had died. The union of them, joined Aragon and Barcelona, so they have a pathway to the sea, a totally renamed Crown of Aragon. I know my family history, and it is all messed up by the bad merge. There are three, or were three profiles for Michael (maybe one "evolved"?), and each has important info, and one may name a different Michael, from Viborg also.
No unsourced merges, right? The dude can go to the church in Nykobing -Falster and get copies of his ancestor's marriage records, or to the parish where they are held (wherever the priest lived at that time, who covered that parish, along with any other parish annexed to him along with it. He can live whete he wants, and in that parish, will be the marriage records for Michael, 1662 (the year he got his citizenship, a crafty way to make a legal name change), and 1663, his second marriage. Same church. #1 must have died. He should look for a death certificate. while he's on the Danish isles. I hear they are lovely.
We are so close, to finding our missing baby ancestor, and then some over- eager beaver jumps the gun, and others begin their latch-ons, even longtimers. Sometimes I think someone just does not want a 600 year old relative who is notorious. Well, the false father there now, his branch is no better. If you knew the stories, you'd prefer the heroine anyway. AHLEFELDT is not his mother. Someone is trying to pull a fast one and not be related to an ancient notorious figure, married to an ancient incredible famous woman. There IS no such thing as a perfect family tree. .Records exist, and documentation exiss, and sorry but I don't even know how to attach a picture. But when I do (it may be yeats, ai hope not), I will first put up.Heonrich Willms' noble and royal roots. I uave the p8ctutes, wnd I wentvto his tiwn and satcwith the Mayir, who was so excitrd to have Americwns to visit him. He pulked out churchboojs from thec1600's!! The hwndwruting bane ge jeot saying he knewcit, was not the line I had found, and finally, he said "wow, it IS EHRLING. Pretty rare".
We already know about this one, Michael, but just missing some corrections and details. Thousands of descendants now, and the internet, so you can bet that the information exchanges are amazing. The Clergy were the records keepers, and Michael's eldest brother Christian, as well as his eldest son, Christian, were both Priests.
You have also deleted cecelia Wegener Leth's fsther, Christian Bastian Wegner/Wegeger/Veiner (take your pick, and it likely is also chabged by the country the descendant lives in, and what was passed down in what language by whom. Were they sober minded, waiting until the kids were adult enough to know the truth, or did someone blab too young, give the kid shame, and cause evasion and humiliation, and maybe now a descendant who is set on changing his ancestry to get rid of it. I think it is on Denmark's FinnHolbæk de site, that changes were made also in May 2023, to til Mallrup, but not yet to his wife that I saw, at tgat time. There is no way her family would lie about adding extra kids. It's possible someone made an error, which has been compounded, being perhaps descended from the supposed Ulfeldt Aunt who supposedly raised him (no, it was her Lady's Maid), and his fondness for her family, begat the name he chose. His final name, after various middle names, a couple last names, and three spelling changes for Mikkel. Ok, Michael might be spelled in various ways, but Graffsen (true, son of a Count), and Gruaversen, are nothing like Grotsen. That, was a choice, not a spelling variation. And I never would have found the fatm family, had it not been for the descendant that knew Morton's nickname, which you have allowed to be deleted on the merge. Please exwmone history on him, qnd put it all there again. The mystery is not fully solved.Thete's more. He us not the half- brother of Martha Frius fta Vindingr, and Corfitz is not her father. But that is another story, qnd her descendant said e ough for niw, on her profile. We have a different theory, based on reseatch, and an empty coffin somewhere *ooo, but no tecords that I know of. I dud just read Leonora's memoirs, and she dies m3ntion having a coversation about the Dina thing, but said the King had not looked into ot becauae he dudn't want to know [ that it wasn't true].
Please reverse your Micharl related changes, back to the originals, and get these unsourced non- parents off of him. Everybody is really reaching, to clean up duplicate profiles. This 8s overreach. Maybe they should reach for the phone and book a ticket to Denmatk, and get the records instead of messing up Geni's credibility and reputation.
Thank you for your help, and please accept my apology if any of the unfinished versions that were being edited, or not finished, actually sent, when they disappeared. I tried to send another time on Michael, and it said report already submitted. I hope it was not a partial draft from this not smart phone, but someone on a computer, typing with all fingers, not just one.
Thank you,