The Gacha System - Chapter 3 - Ryan20051980 (2024)

Chapter Text

Ozpin's POV

"Are you sure this is real, Ozpin." Ironwood asked him in disbelief as he stared at the multiple photos that he had been sent. Not that Ozpin blamed him, or Winter as well with her equally gobsmacked faces. After all, Glynda and he had the same reaction when they first saw… him.

"Positive. Talked to Taiyang myself to make sure, and what he sent me is true. That monster is real, and it is under control of a boy who has effectively lost all his memories." The disbelieving look on the General's face said it all.

"And he came from this boy's Semblance?"

"Yes. And as amazing as his Semblance is… there are potential downsides." He said with a frown.

That got the General to look up from the pictures, "Elaborate."

"Remember how his Semblance is essentially gambling? Well, as lucky as he has been, it could very well turn around on him and instead negatively affect him." He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"How so?" It was Winter this time who asked the question.

"According to Felix himself, nothing too big. So far, at least. But that very well could change. One moment, everything is business as usual, the next, Grimm could be popping out everywhere. It's just too broad to tell."

A moment of silence came over them, with General Ironwood looking at the pictures he was sent with an unreadable gaze, "How does his Semblance work? What exactly helps him get things like this." He pointed at all the pictures in general at the end there.

"According to him, for his power to grow, he has to gain feats. And no, even he doesn't know what classifies as a "Feat." He's still trying to figure out exactly how it all works." He ended.

"I don't like it." Glynda spoke up this time. "He's hiding something. He's not revealing the whole picture to us." The strict blonde said, a frown on her face.

"It doesn't matter. We need him. Even if he weren't to grow anymore from now, those creatures of his are more than enough to turn the tide of this war. We got to bring him in on Salem, or at the very least make sure he is well protected and that his Semblance passes on." Ironwood broke the silence, a look on his face that said that he had made a decision and was going to stick to it.

"Really Ironwood? Not only do you want to let him in on this war of ours, but you also want to start a breeding program for him? You do know eugenics is illegal, right?" Glynda said in a not at all amused tone, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'd give him half of Atlas itself if it meant that we could have more of that Semblance passed down. Because if he dies, and he doesn't sire any children, one of our greatest chances to take down Salem went right out the door. We need him. Remnant needs him. Humans and Faunus alike need him and his Semblance. This is just too good of an opportunity to pass up on." The sheer conviction in his voice told them that he wasn't going to back down, and that it would take an act from the gods themselves to stop his plans. It also seemed to have its intended effect as Winter stood straighter, the same look of conviction on her face.

He always did have a knack for speeches.

Glynda just sighed and put a hand on her head, "We don't even know if he even wants to do something like this. If he even wants to be a Dad. Hell, we don't even know if he likes women."

"He does." He answered Glynda, making her and the other's eyes turn towards him.

"He did at least tell Taiyang about one of his curses. A curse of Lust." Surprisingly, Taiyang didn't seem to care all that much about it. Then again, what teenage boy wasn't even somewhat affected by the same thing?

Ironwood nodded, "Even better. We can use that."

"You intend to honey trap the kid?" Glynda spoke.

"By the time the world learns about him, I don't think we'll need to."

That, he agreed on.

Felix's POV

Gain Ironwood's attention (one roll granted), Gain full protection from Atlas (one roll granted) Impress Winter Schnee (one roll granted) Become the most powerful man on the planet (Epic Feat: two rolls granted)

But, I didn't even do anything. Did I?

Before I could question what any of that meant, I was brought out of my thoughts.

"Alright Dad, we'll be back before dinner!" Yang called out as she closed the door behind her, before turning to Ruby and me.

"You two ready to go?" She asked, hands on her hips.

"Yep!" Ruby exclaimed, looking over her weapon for perhaps the dozenth time. Not that I blame her, as it truly is a work of art.

"Lead the way." I say with a gesture

"Ladies first?" She playfully asked as she walked ahead of me, Ruby falling in line with her.

"Naturally." I say, a smile forming on my face.

She glanced over her shoulder and sent a smirk of her own my way, almost instantly catching my intention, but she didn't say anything on it. If there was an extra sway in her steps, then it went unsaid.

"So, Felix, are you going to bring Cerberus out to hunt down some Grimm?" Ruby asked as she turned her head towards me.

"Nah, I felt out with my power, and there's no Grimm on this island that could do any damage to him. If it gets too dangerous I will, but we shouldn't have any problems." Plus, I kinda wanted to test out my other powers.

There was a confused look on her face as she spoke again, "Wait, if you can sense the Grimm, then why aren't you leading?" She asked, and that got a snort from Yang and a grin from me.

She was obviously curious as to why we reacted like that as she looked between the two of us until she caught exactly where my eyes were looking at both of them, and immediately her face flushed the color of her dress as she turned back around, making Yang chuckle a bit. Was there an extra sway to her step now as well?

I shook my head, "By the way, there's a large number of Grimm in that direction if you girls want to go clear it?"

"Yeah, works for me. Rubes?" Yang asked her younger sister.

"Yeah, I'm down. Mom's grave is near there as well, and it's been a while since we visited." That brought the mood down a little bit as melancholic smiles came across both their faces.

I didn't like it. Maybe it was my Curse speaking, but I didn't like the looks on their faces.

I didn't like it. Maybe it was my Curse speaking, but I didn't like the looks on their faces. Deciding right then and there, if there was a way, I would let them speak to their mother once again.

Suddenly, everything went to hell.

There were multiple piercing screeches that emitted from the forest, causing all three of us to drop to our knees. Why all the sudden did I feel less motivated? Better yet, how the hell didn't I sense them!

"What the f*ck was that!" I loudly said as I got to my feet, Ruby and Yang both having more trouble with it.

"Apathy's." Both of them shakily got out, looking a little paler than before.

"The f*ck's an Apa-" More ear piercing screechs sounded out once more, and again, I was brought to my knees, feeling like all the life was sucked out from me.

Then, I heard the sounds of growling, and finally, I could sense how many were around us.

We were completely surrounded.

At first, it was only a few of them, then it was a dozen, then a few dozen, then there were over a hundred different Grimm presences careening towards our position.

Mission Added: Surprise Attack.

Description: A part of the Uber Grimm has descended on your position. Due to one of Salem's Seer's witnessing your battle when you first arrived and the immense power that you hold, it was decided that you were to die, and a secondary objective is the death of Ruby Rose. Kill all Grimm that wish your and your companions death.

Objective One: Kill all attacking Grimm.

Objective Two: Make sure everyone makes it out alive.

Bonus Objective: Take out the Seer Grimm before it can report to Salem.

Objective One Reward: One roll.

Objective Two Rewards: Two rolls.

Bonus Objective One Rewards: One roll. Less tactical information on you. Salem's annoyance.

Wait, that Curse has already festered? And here I was thinking I had more time.

I said that I would summon Cerberus if there was a need for him, and this definitely counts. Focusing on my pocket dimension, I try to open a portal to let Cerberus rip all these bastards to smithereens.

Key word there is, "Try", because, to my horror, I couldn't access it.

Specialized Apathy's that prevent manifestation Semblance's have been deployed against you. Kill a certain amount to access your pocket dimension once more.

That. Bitch. How did she know I have a pocket dimension in the first place, or was it pure luck?

It didn't matter though, as I was getting pissed off for multiple different reasons.

First and foremost that this was happening in the first place. I've been here not even forty-eight hours, and already I was in two life and death fights.

And second, and most prevalent, was the Grimm currently standing over Yang and Ruby, poised to strike down and end them both. A well of anger started to emerge to the surface.

Reaching out with the force, which felt like it took all my willpower to do, I gripped both of them and pulled them towards me in the knick of time, potentially saving their lives.

Gritting my teeth, I reached forwards once more and gripped the Grimm that was going to kill them, and slammed it into another Grimm that came from one of my sides.

The Force was going absolutely haywire at the moment as it informed me of enemies fast approaching from behind me. Turning around, I threw up a shield and multiple Grimm slammed into it, staggering me and causing me to lose focus.

My world slowed down as the paw swipe from an Ursa came down on me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. All my limbs felt like they were made of lead and I felt so… so tired.

Just as I was prepared to take the hit, a loud bang sounded out, followed by a shotgun blast that sent the Grimm flat on its back, already dissolving. Ruby and Yang just saved my life, and that lit a fire under my ass like no other.

With pure, unrivaled emotion guiding me, I once again reach out and crush a Grimm in my grasp before doing the same to another. Just as I was starting to feel even the slightest bit better, another ear piercing screech rang out and once more I fell to my knees right next to Ruby and Yang.

I stared directly into their eyes feeling the most numb that I've ever felt, and it was easy to tell that they were feeling the same, the sheer tiredness in their eyes making me want to fall right next to them and just let the Grimm take us. I may very well have done that if it wasn't for one thing. As I continued to look them in the eyes, past that tiredness and depression, I saw the will to fight in their silver and purple eyes respectfully, the look of somebody who wants nothing more than to get out of here and live well into old age and then die next to loved ones. That was all communicated through the last bit of will they had left that refused to die out and The Force reading their emotions below the surface.

Once more, I pushed myself to stand, The Force ringing like a bell in my head as it pointed to all the directions I was in danger from. Meaning, all of them.

This, I could tell, was going to be hell.

Felix's POV

I was right.

What couldn't have been fifteen minutes felt like hours to me as I constantly dodged around Grimm, while simultaneously playing offense as well and also playing defense for Yang and Ruby. They tried to get up and fight, multiple times in fact, but each time they were brought back down by one of those Apathy's and just couldn't move. That didn't mean they were out of the fight, however, far from it. On multiple occasions, more times than I would like to count, both of them saved my life from a Grimm that I just couldn't react to in time, and each time it only made me appreciate them more and more. If they weren't here, then there's no doubt in my mind that I would be dead at least a dozen times over.

That didn't mean I was unscratched.

I winced as air flowed over the cut on my chest as I slammed another Grimm into another, pure adrenaline and the desperate need to survive being the only things keeping me on my feet, and even that was waning.

I have been bit, slashed, clawed, and ran into multiple times, but each time I would force myself up and continue the fight. My body was failing, and if I don't find those Apathy's soon then it would be wraps for us.

I sent a force push to a Beowolf that was getting too close, and I would have put it off if it wasn't for one reason.

The Beowolf hit something, and for the briefest moment, I felt another presence in the force that was so much like these Grimm but just the slightest bit different. In fact, it felt like they were almost camouflaged in the force, and in the heat of battle and the relaxed attitude when we first started walking, I didn't notice.

I did now, though, and I could sense them all.

"I got you now you sons of bitches." I muttered in Apathy suppressed anger as I used every bit of remaining will I had and gripped them with the force, and began squeezing. And squeezing. And squeezing. Until, finally, I felt their presence in the force die out, and it was like a light switch was turned on in me.

I no longer felt like giving up. No longer felt depressed. No longer felt like the weight of the world was crashing down on me. No longer felt my emotions muted, especially one of them.

Sheer. Unadulterated.RAGE.

I quite literally felt the emotions pouring out of me like a broken dam as the Grimm around me screamed in their own rage, with me being like a shining light in the darkest of dark due to it.

I couldn't hold on to it for long, or else I would only attract more.

I will, however, use it very briefly though.

For what felt like the hundredth time this day, I reached out once more and gripped the hundreds of Grimm around us, making them stop dead where they stood. I began compressing. Very slowly at that.

I nearly shuddered in pleasure as their pained screams reached my ears, the cracking of bone, flesh, and whatever else made them up felt like the greatest drug in existence had been directly shot into me.

As much and as tempted as I was to prolong their suffering even more, I eventually did finally crush them all in my grasp finally. I am not fighting any more of these things then I have to.

I saw Yang and Ruby slowly getting to their, their own minds rapidly waking up as they stared wide eyed at me, unreadable expressions clear on their face.

I was just about to collapse to the ground when I remembered there was still one part of my mission still left uncomplete. The Seer Grimm.

I felt it making like the wind as it turned tail and ran, about to bring a whole lot of tactical information back to Salem. f*ck. That.

Picking up a pretty large stone nearby in my telekinetic grip, I hurled it at what felt like Mach f*ck and slam into the retreating Grimm, its presence passing like dust in the wind.

Mission: Surprise Attack: Completed. Now giving out rewards.

Oh, that's nice.

Before I collapsed into unconsciousness, I needed to do one more thing. Opening my pocket dimension once more, Cerberus came rolling out, each head of his looking absolutely livid. His growls sounded out through the forest as he stared at me, waiting for instruction.

"Protect." I say, pointing to the girls first and then me.

Turning to them, I smiled and let out a little chuckle, "Good Night." Before collapsing.

The last thing I felt were two sets of hands catching me before blissful sleep took me, a content smile on my face.

That is that. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Going to be honest and say that I had a little trouble writing this chapter, but I eventually got it done. Godzilla (still can't believe I'm saying that) really threw me for a loop, so I had to think on how I'll use him and all that. I'm sure my plans won't be ruined again though. Surely.

But, enough of that. Our first taste of the Uber Grimm have showed up, and boy, did they show. Being one hundred percent honest, I did not plan for them to appear this early at all, but then I a stray thought hit me, and then in spiraled out from there, leading us to our second fight scene.

How did you guys like that, by the way? I think I did ok with it, but I know fight scenes aren't my strong suit, so I would like your guy's input. What did you like or didn't like and all that. Goes the same for the rest of the chapter as well. Please, let me know how you feel and be blunt about it as well. I won't Lear otherwise.

Again, if you have any suggestions for rolls, then please, shoot them my way. More than likely they will be added to the pool and possibly have a chance to show up.

But, that's all I got for you today, so, until next time, and have an absolutely wonderful day!

The Gacha System - Chapter 3 - Ryan20051980 (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.