The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

BUSINESSES FOR SALE BUSINESSES FOR SALE BUSINESSES FOR SALE BUSINESSES FOR SALE BUSINESSES FOR SALE BUSINESSES FOR SALE BUSINESSES FOR SALEI 111 The Sydney Morning Herald, Sat, Feb 28, 1981 111 BUSINESSES FOR SALE1 BUSINESSES FOR SALE PRESENTS tha ANSWER TO EaEffiffl mant (OmMM. Viral I a a arinnr. YOUR VERY OWN DECORATING BUSINESS rtneiy. fMicestrui America and too) 9 AMUsem*nT: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY The cofflini boom In coin optratod emuiement iimel turfed. "Expected to grou MM million dolleri thlt year." (Quotei Financlei S.V 8P.C.

ySTnivo food credit rating or $MoO, we' can put you Into CASH builnea withe very me encf tidy Income from the dy thet you You'eeri nuke $200 to 1S00 upwarde per week for very little Investment end a few houri work each week, depending on your or credit rating. 1 Work In your own area. No stock to carry. We will personelly esslst you with our time and expertise before and after you are set up. We will locate the mschlnss In hotels, for you at no extra charge.

Ftr furtkir details thing 93a 4467 or B3S 4243 or writ P.O. Box 474 Brookvale. COMPUTER AMUsem*nT INDUSTRIES. Revoluttonerv stew avsteflve Heme DeoaraUnf. Mobile Van ewtitlofl oompteee- wH curtarn, VaJIpapar blind samples, serving custom era In their two tow Inveatment, tihjtt returni.

1 Ideal husband' and wife operation which can be operated' I 1 franohlso areas available In fleeted Sydney If you would like tor know how i prviivaui' hivum inma ti ivej FRANCHISE DIVILOPMf NT MANAGIR, BUSINESS FOR SALE LIGHTING ImtMrter and astembtep of a Ine. pendants, wall brackets, etc, This la a profitable entefttriiai mi man veara atandlna wHUl national airiuuiiuii. potential through For further details contact, Mobil SERVICE STATION-MADHOUSE WILLOW TREE This long established business ft now available) for leas and' IS located only 70 klmt south ot Ttmworlh it tttc junction ol New England Highway and Qulrlndi Road. This business has a high turnover and a prolltable earning capacity to an efficient operator. Earning capital is in commensuration to capital investment and full financial details given on site 'Accommodation contained within the building consists of 3 bed-rooms, balhrooni and lounge room.

This leasing opportunity would require a oerson or family with high earning capacity with preferable experience In selling, stall control and a knowledge ol aplltude in (ond facilities. Capital of approximately will be required to cover the cost of slock, plant and equipment and provide necessary lundt for normal business operation. 1 "This could be tha opportunity you have been waiting for. Please direct enquiries to Miss A. Flighty at Sydney (02)20546 1 MOBIL OIL AUSTRALIA LIMITED Mr Ian MacDougall, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL FINANCE, 4 Help Street, Chatswpod.

Phoiie 411 sni. f1. Established ProtPrb Manufirturlna. Imoortlna anri to Banking Groups. Building Societies, Credit Unions.

Supermarket acnoois, inurcnes ana acner casn nanuung qoaies. Oaaratlna In A intra la and group offerf the purchaser growth tax savings plus sound Investment Naw FOR FURTHER- DETAILS, WRITE TO SELLER, P.o; BOX 179, vou can share In the. expansion I in nw niav mariftrn ranoe af demestle lloht. offers business as a. going concern, i association with overseas marketlim nf rlwri fanttJl arsMurH thle mifl potential, export Incentives and or expansion Into this, lucrative 2034.

Coast Mall Cntr. 4217. a.h. (075) 32J76S. MOTEL manufacturtna hulnn urvina a tj.S.W.

AT 341 rlnte H'MV CARLTON SNOWITI SANbw'lCH (Ifa too ac iMtlHll near oppcwltlon. FABULOUS WITH BHICK 2 Ilk COTTAGE Dl AMT i4njnaalr tmtibl. IN. FORCI THIS SALS' FOR ONLY SS7 730I IB7 TAKINR S5RO WEI (No Experience Req.) MODERN BRICK RESIDENCE tPOtLBM J- LOW RENT Golden opportunity for young pron, LOW PRICE If -you hive security UN aaSUU ytr. SANDWICH.

DRINKS, ETC. imall residence CLEAR $600 WEEK But ooM much higher NOW RUN: ONE LADY Feast your eyes on thii I 20' 28 Hole Laml- nav mnri Vtnal S.S. It a) Cream Grlllar. raffa Maker and BIO S.S. Drink Frig -and Ice cream is a gift.

selling less than replacement value OT PLANT ONLY S16.50O S.A.V. Finance to appr. Buyer COMMERCIAL INSULATION WITH LICENCE ROM Blta CHEMICAL CO. ABSOLUTE MINIMUM PROFIT $500 CLEAR. That's For 12 HOURS Week) No trouble If vou want work to clear mln.i At AMnilB fO'PFEl LOU MCE Pretty one with Long Bar and Stools and white- (On Busy Main Road) PLANT WORTH $13,000 Included In the LOW PRICE.

SEATS 20 (No cooked Food) with Sandwich Bar. 9 A.M.-5 P.M SAT. 1.30. Terms with your Secur ty ON S2000 DEP. IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE We have' plenty of Buyers, HAVE YOU A.

SUBNEWS. may we -sail. IV turret; LOUNGE Or a SANDWICH SHOI" If you wish to sell vour MANUFACTURING BUSINESS: PHONE 587 7301 WEND 982 8981 Sat. till 12 $1000 WEEK PROFIT- NO EXPERIENCE REQ. Suit tiaeriy cent, its ngnt work, Vehlcle-otant and all "KNOW- HOW" given.

2 weeks Tuition, icrma wun your aeturny ON $2000 DEP. EMBASSY BUSINESS BROKERS 30 -t21 507 -SU1. Princes Highway, Rockdale. PLAZA BUSINESS BROKFRS. 587 7401.

mm 587 7368. FREEHOLD KINDER GROSS $684 P.W. EXCELLENT BV 3 b.t.' residence with kindergarten at rear, toe. block of lancf llc'd for 15. trained teacher not needed.

Ifj rciioence unnecessary it can eaS' II bo used to extend kinder take 40 children. GREAT SERVE. SNEWS MIXED. TAKING $12,000 P.W.-PROF. $1500 net hW.

OR $2000 NFT 2 COUPLES. Fabulous Shop In QUALITY area plus good 3 b.r. res. Terms with your security on $5000 DELI. A GOOD ONE.

PROF. $660 NET P.W. FOR w. Lovely shop In aualltV south ern sub. open 5'i days.

Easily run dv mvy pius cas. Cl-itCK It OUT. Terms wftti vour secur Ity on $3000 dep. Ask about) our oiner aeiis. mixeo DU sin ess 4Hfsrvt etc.

LAUNDROMAT A BEAUTY. PROFIT SdOO NET P.W. 13 new washers. 6 driers plus dry cleaning mac nines not usea. upen ociys.

oir-sireei parKing, run by 1 person. PLENTY Ol POTENTIAL here F.P. $35,000. -RETAIL hire PROFIT $1100 NET P.W. Vendor must sell this attrac tlve well estab.

business run oi HW and 2 employees. There also a comfy 2 b.r. res. at tached. COME and CHECK IT uui, ii is ijuou; OFLIVERV RUN Written contract loads forked on and off.

short cltv hauls Ford 8-ton dlesel TT inc. In PIE AND CAKE RUN EARN 535(5 u.w. av. Short compact run. start 3.30 nnisn a a.m.


Finance avallahl attractive rates for the purchase oi oiisincsses. oaroen rmance. now a.n. AVAILABLE FUNDS. For Business Purchases.

Fast Approval. Best Rates. DARIUS FINANT-. 387 5500. 7 DAYS A WEEK ART and CRAFT ana NURSERY BUiiiME5b.

o.R. Building, also rv.p. a o.t. hcsc jnce on block of.landt In Blngara "The ucmsione or ine iiaie on uwv dlr River, which fs 20 miles irom- copion uam. uingara is a tourist town.

Asking. $70,000 Phone Blngara 228. AT 205 IAKEMBA STREET, WEEKEND INQUIRIES Barry Rowlands, chicken Shop, TAKING OVER S400O p.W, 5i DAYS ONLt." No, 1 position In busy St. George area-Ions spotlessly clean- ABSOLUTELY SUPERB PRESENTATION and rauip, cannot rauiveo. New Itaa avail has detaNed trading records and will' give 1 mi uut iu var tKtiaeni, PrlCf-d way under market value, 1 DON'T MISS INSPECTING, Terms with your security, ON $5000 DEPOSIT.

HOME INSULATION CLEARS OVER $20,000 P.A, 3 DAYS A WEEK. Ideal oppor. for 'younger person with drive and tnltlatlve-beautlfullv eoulooed self contain. ed van Ind-VENOOft WILL TEACH and has stacks of work In hand. TAKES 4 HRS.

DAILY 3 DAYS PER WEEK. Plenty Of cope to expand. EASY TO LEARN. 1 Terms with your security. vn aiauu ucrvsii.

DELI. TAKE AWAY. IDEAL FAMILY BUSINESS, leap pnntr. iino niv) a Has been a bkj money maker! for the past 17 oppos. aim pivfur i panunrj(ic nr.

Western Subs. NEW 3 LEASE. -Tip top full trading records-big weekend trade (all cash-no cut prices). bargain. ONLY $80,000 S.A.V.

Finance arranged for approved buyer. SEAFOODS DELUXE. EARNS $30,000 P.A. SI, DAYS ONLY. Busy shopping area Western super long icue-tNir run' would be Ideal for h.

and w. FREE TUITION. Terms with your security. ONLY SI 500 DEPOSIT. N.B.

Alt profits are grosi unless otherwise stated. lARcnniTr r.mT small macmnery, niweri mo repair lor $2000 piusa.A.v. ir required. Must ''Jll this weekend. 73 3138, a.h.

627 1462. AMUsem*nT CENTRE: Populous rapioiy expanaing outer area, no tontpoHiiwu. p.w. gross profit Approx. 7 IhunluanuKt nmf ll far owner.

Would suit semi retired person, rxeansuc pnee open negotiation. CENTRAL BROKERS, in Mirmiarla C. Parrarrtatt. 633 1912. A.H.

627 4487. AQUARIUM, garden goods, orna ment, inooor plants, oiras, etc. Pit aria. owners. Lam.

h'way o.s. parking. Good, profit. Easy run. Phone 602 5723.

AROUND Sutherland Shir. $160,000 p.a., 2 shops. Net! $38,000 p.a. Price $37,500 aquii uimn ann aim, no, s.m.v. o.n.o.

win eii separately, TOY SHOP. est. many years, 1 atr4nn anlv. fav flaiirca avail. to.

p.a. Price $5,500 S.A.V. Cross Business and Real Estate, Carlton 56 4048, a.n. 525 1385. COFFEE LOUNGE CltV DOSl tlon, $120,000.

5 day week. T.O. $3500 p.w. Excellent lease. Phone 371 6290.

a.h. 371 7217. AMUsem*nT Centre and Take Awav roods in the heart oi Toukley shopping centre. New shop, long lease, plenty of room for Improvement. $45,000 S.A.V.' For lurther particulars on this private sale, phone 043 96 4872.

AUSTRAL 5 acres $154,950 TRAINING FARM. Larnn b.r. floroJtlle home With separate seif contained granny flat, situated on luuy fenced level lanu. AA llnwurf Vnnalc. mOrtO rised trial and training track, exercise machine, dog aqua-soa and 4 car garage.

This property! represents excellent 'value wlthl klnh in-nmA anrl nrtiunt a for further For, further niormatlon can FORGE REAL ESTATE. KR Mnnra LlVerOOOl. 601 1666. joe Sicilian A.n. 75 ajoo.

AQUARIUM, garden goods, Indoor plant, birds, etc. co h.ic aria. oMnerrs. ae. double (hop and frontage1.

H'way o.s. parKing- uoob prwin. Easy run. Phono 602 5723. AT MORGAN MANNIX Or 5 BURNT ST.

SEAFORTH; MIXED DELI. NET S600 P.W. tUnrih thnr. run hV 2 DSOOle. low rent, good lease, S27.500 5AV.

COFFEE AND CAKES. North Sydney. Cost $35,000 to- establish. Vendor forced to sacrifice at $22,500. RESTAURANT AND TAKEAWAY.

NET $1700 PLUS P.W. Mnnrliv tfft Frlrlav on 1 of city's busiest pedestrian traffic locations, sia.uuu av. SANDWICH. NET i4S0 P.W. Presently run by 1 vendor ana sian.

industrial area, norm SICIC. $17,000 1AV. AMUsem*nT Machines, Space invaders, partners nips dissolved urgent stiie. at lao. AMUsem*nT MACHINES sue tor uic.

dingie or multiple sues avanaDie- wiin servite. ror inquiries, ring am aner a.m. J. Gilbert. 3033 F0R0B GOLD COAST Wholesale Confectionery Business Estabilthed vein.

FROM AIR-CONDITIONED VMREHOUSE. No weekend or holidvi. Sales over S5OO.00O and Increitlng. PRICE $75,000 INCLUDES STOCK AND VANS. Buy if On.

owner with present Vin Salesmen; QUEENSLAND INVESTMENTS BRISBANE bfiisBANE 17-Unlt Motel, 106 site Caravan Park, Lie. Restaurant (leased) on 5Vj acres prime highway position excellent potential. PRICE $1,000,000. BRISBANE 17-Unit Motel plus plans and approvals for lurther 16. Top occupancy and returns.

Excellent presentation with Pool, B-B-Q and spacious residence. $975,000. FREEHOLD HOTEL, NTH OLD COASTAL Licence Fee, $15,100. Averaqe takings per week, $12,500. Solid, attractive property with room lor drive in.

PRICE $620,000. Further details contact KEN FERRIS Phone (07) 229 4249. A H. (07) 208 4371 P.R.D. REALTY (BRISBANE) 25th Level.

A P. Place, 10 Eagle St. Brisbane 4000 BUSINESS SPECIALISTS. l)IABklnCU aCD TEAR. 406 4666.


TAKING $8000 P.A. Baaarlv for this one. IT'S A rr in ASKING $42,950 S.A.V. ASKING $42,950 S.A.V. (2) COFFEE LOUNGE, OQH-LA-LA, C'EST MAGNIFIQUC.

5 DAYS 10 TO 5. 5 DAYS 10 TO 5. NORTHSIDE. Yes, only 35 hours PER WEEK. Cost over $30,000 to eet up, carpets, mlr- (4) JEANS.

JEANS. GR. PROFIT S73.000 P.A. GR. PROFIT $73,000 P.A.

SAT. 1 P.M. JUST JEANS ONLY. Don't PSSS this by. ASKING $16,000 S.A.V.


NORTHSIDE BRAND NEW. Take over lease payments, approx. $140 per month. NO CASH NEEDED. IF YOU OWN PROPERTY.

334 Penshurst St. Wllloughby. 406 4866. A.H. 888 32 97.

BUILDING FRANCHISE, An exciting opportunity to enter the rapidly expanding Melbourne market In the active South Eastern Suburbs A fran chlse package Is available now Fully equipped operatlo display centre. All promotional material. Proven sales staff. Huge operating area. Job start immediately (If quired).

we Invite Inquiries from proven order home builders with a capacity of at least 60 homes ThlS Offer work ln our other wcrdiion ana is an stating details of work capacity etc. to Mr Peter Swales, R. W. JOHNSON HOMES PTY, 247 Beach Street. Frankston, VICTORIA 3199.

BOAT.ING Bu5'nMS. Sail boats, fMt Inr. IO. 40 PCr Potential to and It With ther -lrw tall position, terskln price AP prox. $35,000 Stock Owne.

Ph. 938 3922. A.H. ouTtritH-s p. Fa mils In ousy snooping centre plus 3 b.r.

freeze and good equip. Sensible i-miuuuia JUS 1 BRICK TRUCK, western suburbs yard. Phone 622 8729. BEAUTICIAN Salon. Western uoun)s, esuDiisnea clientele, prime location, ph.

872 3739 BOUTIOUE. une oi tne oest Known names In the West now for sale, rare wiwrHiniiy 10 purcnase dynamic business In prime main street location, Purchase now while stock is iow. tstaoiisned 5 years. Principals only. Ring Sunday, 639 1250.

YOU work hard for S200-S300 per week. Why not work orjlyi 2-3 hours per week for the same pay. We are Inviting you to be a pan ni me leisure naustrv ann Start collecting the high wccklyl aan returns now. For further information O.n.o. A.H.

771 3510. I- BALLINA 6x2 hoi. flat, 3 r. i oca i location. Kcturns st.suu.

trice (066) BUTCHER Wholesale Retail. Taree area. Same owner 7 ft vrt. T.O. S900.000 plus (Tax).

SkOo in main street. plant, long $125,000 S.A.V. Ring J. Hackney, bus. (065) 52 1428.


T.O. ap prox. iMorm west country town. Good potential. 1 Further details ring (068) BRIBIE ISLAND Q'LD.

General store, groceries, small goods, suo-news, oan supplies, run range of take away, variety ol pin Dan macnines, 4 b.r. accom. rent $263 per mth. 2x3 lease, Good return. S40.000 W.I.W.O.

Ph. (075) 48 129B. The steadiest business on the Island BOOKSHOP FOR SALE. Svrinev Inner developing western suburbs. Annual T.O.

$43,000 ana growing. Mie price b.A.v, $1 3,000. Ideal 1 owner business. Upstairs area lor letting. For further details ring B.H.

SbU 32Z4. BUTCHERY In Llmme. S1 6.000. rnone ubb 21 t2U3 or a.n. wool BOUTIQUE.

Sportswear, knitwear, llnarrle. lona business. regular clientele, alterations. workroom, oeecrorc on a Rd 4475 i BARGAIN. BBQ Chicken.

S16.000. ureal potential, i oo mucn worx tot present owner to wpc, q4q.t.2R4. A.H. 450 2S02. BUS RUN.

uhool charter, educa-I- on pays sa.uu. rnone yui-rlnd' 106. BARBECUE chicken shop. Eastern suburbs. Gd.

T.O.. fabulous opportunity. $25,000. Bondi. 3(1 1F.7K.

I BUTCHER SHOP. S20.000 Ma street m. Marvs. Averacie taking S3500. 623 1744 b.h.

or BRISBANE BEENLEIGH GOLD LUA3 I nUUUK rICLKCH un Inquiries Bos S3S0. Gold Phon. (07S)' 3B 3040, MOTEL Droo In tor a aSown.toarth ooiigauonireo cnat. P.O.. PULL NEWS.

F'hold. Wflonn dlit. T.O. S2.200 wk. Grs.

Prof. $726 wk. (Recorded.) uiLiuoai r.v. sua, wk, Varv comf. 2-3 b.r.

rM. lacel lent potential. PRICt 567.000 a.a.v. am aouuu. R'o'rttarJ'tackis! ONE $19,634 (office growing).

PR I CI $16,000. EXCHANGE FUEL ARTAQfc AGENCIES, f'HOLD wk. Sale Includes 2 Trucks. 3 b.r, tta. PRICK, S56.090.

TELEPHONE F'HOLD. Nth EXCHANGE, Sub. C21.BBB (D.m. 71 subs. ft.A.X.

possible 63-64. Comf. 34 b.r. Res. Price stO.UOU.

P.O. FULL NEWS. GEN, Store F'hold. Tamworth dlst. T.O.

$5,100 wk. Grs. Prot. $1,250 WK. plUI K.O.

aUD. 11V WK Vaiv aiifld ttairit b.r. Ret on 1 acre block. Big Income, big future. Price $120,000 s.a.y.

abt. $40,000. (P.O.'S. SUDI. Post approval).

WANTED Straight P.O. anywhere NSW Buytra waiting. ASHCROFT, LB. A. Station Hse.

South Pda. Campsle. 76 3177 hri. 9-5 M. to F.

Sat. 1. RUN UNDER MANAGEMENT, Tin p.a. plus. Two uncomplicated high profit retail outlets (50 per cent g.p.j.

Run by employees. Estab. 7 yrs. West ubi. Low rnt.

Eiioindlna significantly, Can be financed on rvaionaoie oep. rn. ror ortana. INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY NET PROFIT $69,000 P.A. No experience needed, 5 day retail business.

Takings p.a. with accounts flat. Pull tuition of farad. Ideal husband and wife. Common sense and energy main require merits.

$95,000 S.A.V. Ph. for garden centre spedal. fine nf tha- bfr. uia'wet an Good site Indooroutdoor pren Ises.

Booming area. Ideal for couple. Clears S600 p.w. Secure reasonable tenancy. $32,000 oar gam ouyinu.

HANDBAGS TRAVEL GOODS. SAME OWNER 25 Vfi5 Magnlflcer: location, slightly ii-ijinieo pui nil ions yT ACvPV, An energetic person will do extremely well. Accounts figs. FULL PRICE $8000 S.A.V. AFTER HOURS 419 5192.

GILBERT KEMP AT 32, Anderson Chatawood. VSANDWICHES. Near Chatswood. T.O. $1800-S2000 p.w.

Nets $600 p.w. Only 5i days. Long lease, low rent Ideal for family or H. and w. Dusincss.

Money dick in monins. kock oottom price. $19,750 S.A.V, TFLEV Near Nth. Sydney. days only.

T.O, siuou p.w. wets over $500 p.w. low rent, long tease, Needs experienced operator, ONLY S21.9S0. Mivrn rsERV. grocery.

Near Chatswood. Busy shop, main road. 4 bedrm. accom. Nu loa.

Low rent. T.O. S3000-S3500 P-w. Net $800 p.w. (H.

ana w.j ONLY $38,500 AllajriDCTT Near Chatswood, 6 days only. T.O. S700 p.w. Net $350 plus. 12 washers.

dryers, 2 extractors. 2 drycleanlng machines. ah Mlrwnanl-. On DO ft Un tV for IndustrlcHis couple to double tne turnover. $29,500.

niBinT tr eA PTV. LTD. 412 2177. A.H. 452 5519.

N.S.W. GOVERNMENT Lotgery Run. CENTRAL COAST. Same owner 14 years, i cans per oay. TVSALES RENTAL, Main" Mgbway" position.

NET TROFIT $28,000 P.A. Tax rig ret to prove. 3 -bed. residence. FULL PRICE S16.000.

Terrlc business. DRAPER AND MERCERY. Large 3-bed. Home. NET PROFIT $800 P.W.

Trading 5'i days. FULL PRICE $6000 plus S.A.V. FULL PRICG S600O plus S.A.V. Vendor must sell. AT yf Anderson Chatswood.

SUPERMARKET. TURNOVER. $5000 P.W- PLUS, Kinrth ciria with res dc-nce. can be sub-tet. easy run by 2, net In excess or $900 JUST $32,000 S.A.V.

SANDWICHES. TO $6000 P.W. Northslde 5 days only, long lease, details this office, DELICATESSEN. T.O. S3400 P.W.

Excellent position, 5'j- days, top class plant and equipment. S.A.V. $36,500 S.A.V. SANDWICH MIXED. NET $33,000 P.A.

uMirfi. av iuiu ruMinr. Iflna tease, rent $83 p.w., 7 days, big profits hBrt' jUST $18,000 S.A.V. AMUsem*nT 'machine run for1 sale. S21 .000 full price, alt games operating how In top eltyi locations giving excellent weekly cash returns on Investment.

New mnHrn com outer sed aames situ under full warranty for parts and service, wouio consider splitting run. Phone Paul watts, (02) 27 ZJiM AN opportunity to acquire a $620 nross plus. To dato has been operated part time by pub- Mr- tarvant who It HDW movlna interstate. 8 a.m. finish.

May start iimsn later. Tha hull lists offers 1 Secure repeat business without need to promote tlTcirjh permanent government aonlng. Large number of unserved customers ensures business profits can oe increaseo. 3. High hourly earnings.

4. Definitely no working tal needed for business. 5. 26 hours physical work a week, 12 hours other. 6.

No experience necessary, owner prepared to train suitable purcnaser. 7. Finance up to 100 avallahla to cultahla aurfhatar. Full price. $45,000.

Owner may con si oer partnership, 799 4891. AMUsem*nT Machine Ruimeta part time, oniy a tew nours per wceK, no experience neeoen, nets $400 p.w. cash, top equip- mant. can arrafiO flninr. $22 500.

Contact Bob Lennan On 5 5097. AMUsem*nT. VmirilNt KUPf tun SALE, aifi.ono FULL PBITE. All games operating now In top city location, giving excellent weekly cash on Irwpttmant. New mto-rn com puterised garnet still under full warranty for parts ana service.

For Immerilatt attention ring 27Z4. ANTIQUES-GIFTS. $5000 S.A.V., EASTERN iUBUHOS. casur run, Big profits. Great Opportunity.

Mr. Lionel 30 7306, cunDee iocduJ 41 King Georges Rd, BEVERLY HILLS fOao. Stn.l 70 300.1. 570 2133. COFFTE lOUNOC-CAPCTtRIAt CltAR $75,000 P.A.

OOO P.A. BUSY location. Very reasr rant jri beaiiv. un it i owneri in If, Owner demands discretion, ALL further Inquiries ONLY at our office. Please FULL PRICE $120,000 S.A.V.

DISTRIBUTION! -1S0 regular customers. S11 9 inv finishes. 2.30. p.m, NO Fridays, Late model Lvan lir tiliV aBi anyone can on GENUINE URGENT sale at lust $11,500 SPECIALTY RETAIL. Better than 'tobacconist CLWAM atn XAS This Is a BEAUTIFUL 'bust.

rtess. Sells Confectionery, Bulk Nuu. Coffees. Its a proven GOER. One person can operate rriuri muin ilira.

fANIAiT location, Lona eatab. but ki INCREASING. GENUINE Terms with 'your Security ON S4000 DEPOSIT, CAKES. PASTRIES, PIES. CLEAR $1500 P.W.

EASY. CLEAR $1500 P.W. EASY. Neat Residence.) retail outlets and supplies nuiriiHic. irani no rniurea TO tmnrnorns.

YOU won't rind FW.L PRIt'l $31,000 W.I.W.a. (Coven itock. plint. EVERY- GARDEN CENTRE! SUPtRB LOCATION. BUSINESS.

$1200 P.W. C.R, PROFIT $1 200 P.w r. 3 Ideal H. and W. Sells olanu: seeps, garden tools an.1 Mllances.

TOP' location. Veara anri ctlll nortui. fwcD.0?11 a yourself. Term, with your Security ON $4000 DEPOSIT. 1 CONTINENTAL DELI.

TAKE $5500 P.W. TAKES $5500 P.W. AW TRIAL. Main street lore. WEEK.

iour Security ON $7000 DEPOSIT. WHOHSAH DISTRIBUTION. (4 "days oer week.) CLEAR $865 P.W. CLEAR $065 P.W. POVE pront 150.

Rceular customers. Latp rpw van Ai cond on Included In orlc. Owner will give FULL tuition IlSSt; MART, on 543 2084 PULL PRICE $44,000. BROKERS P.L.,' STN. BEVERLY MONDAY TO FRIDAY, (70 3001..

570 2133, A.H. Mary, 543 20Ba A.M. Fred, 869 2046 mm H'WAY, ROCK BOARDING HOUSE. 'ACCOMMODATE GEORGE AREA. low Home and Income iJ-vl" managed could show SrriOO i p.w.

Piesent owner unable to attend to Property must be sold. Asking $13,500. Otferi 597 1011. a.h. S27 2541660 6771, SANDWICH SHOP: TAKINGS S1300 p.w.

PULL PRICE 14.000 A 897 1011. A.H. 660 6771. ritri MVMILMDLl, SANDWICH SHOP. ST.

GEORGE TAKINGS $2000 P.W. 'l 5 DAYS 7-3 p.m. PULL RPICE S26.000 A 897 A.H. 527 2541. NEWSACENCYSUB P.O.

SERVE Eastern Suburbs. TAKINGS S400.000 p.a. Plus P.O. Subsidy. Large well eaulooed ihoo.

Long lease and. low'rent. A real FULL PrtlCE $85,000 S.A.V. 6S7 30 6414, Guest House. Licensed 25.

FULL PRICE SKIS. 000. 597 1011. A.H, 660 6771. OTHERS AVAILABLE: fillFST UniKF.

Unr Minascment. i Accommodates 36 ocions POTENTIAL INC. Si 500 P.W. TO OWNER OPERATOR. Gbod letting area.

Ow.ier a-rcomm. Good lease. Reasonable rent. $10,000 DEPOSIT. 597 A.H.

30 6414. Several Other F'H and Lease hold. City Broker: P.L.. 454 Princes H'way. Rockdale.

Regency BROKERS AT 306 KINGSCROVF ROAD. isinuauHUvc. 502 3922. 502 3092. TAKINGS $3500 P.W.

S1000 CLEAR P.W. GOOO 3. B.R. RESIDENCE. Top' position on extra busy, highway' with own large drivc-in car park, Very modern with tho best of fittings and equipment, trading 6 days only.

Fully carpeteo rcnoonce. $60,000. S.AiV. $2000 WEEKLY T.O. NO OF POSITION.

With sandwich trade of SI 000 per week. Top class re frlgcratlon In modern shop. Trades i days. Moderate rent- S27.000 S.A.V. INDOOR PLANTS.

T.O. S33O0 WEEKLY. CLEAR I77S P.W. (TAX). In pood poslt'on St.

George! area. Lame outtide dKolav areai And very well laid out attractive; jnop, ah accounum nauresi avanaoie. $60,000, 5 A AV. MILK BAR-SANDWICH. SPACIOUS RESIDENCE.

T.O. $1700 P.W. Operated by lady with work Ing husband. Best position centre wnere TA foods could be added. Has good sandwich $15,000, S.A.V.

3-CAR CARRIER. AVER. S800 WEEKLY. Security the largest Company In Sydney. Always plenty of.

work, mostly local. rirst ciasa uoage aiesei car car' rler. S17.000v PARCEL DELIVERIES. Avr.nri Kann 7.30 to 3 (S DAYS). 1978 Bedford Isuzu diesel 3-ton rinwc, $10,000.

REGENCY BROKERS, 308 Klngsgrove Rd, Klngsgrove. 502 3922. 502 3092. A.H. 529 S332.

AT 2A Bruce Crows Nest. TO $2000 o.w. AlbO serves and light take-aways. situated amidst nravy peuesirtan trauic. ASKing $36,000 plus s.a.v.

Coffee shop. To S900 d.w. Ideal 1 person. Good plant via aiiuatea in busy arcade. Si 6.000 plus s.a.v.

Sandwich To S900 p.w. Open 8 Short days. Run by owner plus casual help. Returns approximately $300 net p.w. Asking S12.SO0 plus S.a.v.

438 4455. 433 4455. AGRICULTURAL Farm Marhlnar runinum ueoiefrsnip rer saie in prosperous northwest wheat belt area. ouna Business witn residence, initial In-qulrles to The Advertiwr, P.O. Box 28S, Forsttr, Hardware METROPOLITAN.

A rar opMrtunltv to purchaie a Metropolitan freehold LU pprox. au unirt top class canaition, A Diamond with attractive? LKeraed Restaurant, wlmmlno eMoi. Unity to buy established business, capital required. $25,000 JJui s.a.v. For Information phone 060) 21 7586.

BUSINESS Consultant Services. OSI rioor. as Kan way fcM, kooaaX.o. 4TON PANTCCH. EARN $1700 P.W.

10 tax figures avail. Once In a Lifetime, P.P. $44,000. EARN nr Suit -Aria trip p.w.

Can do more Increase earnings, don't mlu. wii a F.P. $17,500, TIPPEB Near country area, written cont.Top equip. Terr, value. Seeing IS bH loving.

1 P.P. $50,000. 1. NTH. COAST SPECIAL.

4. MANUFACTURING. aomriern suburbs. A.H. 525 0353.

OUTIQUB. Smart, vou no STvIa i 1.1 UIT inner sun urn. price 212 23Mb.h.a',' BOUTIQUt tor sale, established 5 prime position. High Penrith. High Fashion tnZZ' i i li.00.

contract for aale. 707 2113 after 6 p.m. UTGHKft fhl c.oseg. 505 3 CHILDREN'S BOU-I tre tasiwood cen- Priced for urgent sate at cost 'of fixtures and fittings only. $15,000.

good stock, suit Srnoiner no daughter or 1 lady, 7000 plus Negotiable. 043) BLATTMANS has -Waal na lane A way roods ouimcii. wen situateq in the area Thll It a 512 Haw nw. tlon, perfectly suited to operate wr iiuiiMiig ana wire team. The shop Is fully equipped and features a continuous pizza oven, This business has a great 6otn.

tlal for expansion Into other fast food areas. $30,000. Contact Q648 2 1379. BUS RUN! Par north rn. awproi, aejw.uuu, d.

puses, good condition. ToUl miles 63 per day. All bitumen roads. Price iw.uuu. rim mi Murray -c.

$5-im lm er St" Balllna. 7i vww oi a.n. 8 1.64. i BUTCHEH SHOP, Gvmea Bav. 'no Ouallty meat.

Annual T.O. $80,000. High percentage, Good plant. Price $10,000. Phone 524 2462 B.H.- BUS BUSINESS FOR SALE In ex ga Muma norinern outSKirtS pruuane.

includes school runs passenger service charters tours. Growing rapidly great potential 3 bedroomed aulrlS. 071 'n' BOUTIOUI, Inn.r k. New ,1000 pKcED TOSELl 7 500 S.A.V. abt S10.000.

ASHCROFT, I.B.A.. South Pde, Campsle. 76 3137. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. ru" wri time, men or SIV aiiiriDutlnu LOTTOIPOOLS GUIDES.

EARN TO Deo u.reu Capital required only S1950 for AVAILABLE. Plion. 436 2313 or 436 J213. BUTCHER SHOT Easttrn sIKT targe snop In heart of price S4S.500. Ph.

a.h. (047) BEAUTY SALON, In Double Bay, sniu'wtui iiivuciii actor, $15,000. fnaulrlet -S2 2Rqa. at BRISBANE1, mixed hut In ess. '-7 wars lurnowr p.W.' Vcar iraiv, u.uui ano a.

A.V. elenhone 07 4R a BRISBANE, Takeaway food, tease- nuiu, ann or rreenoio, a oay wevti, isKinB' muu p.w.. Lease lire I.B.e phone 07 48 9685. a GIFT BOU- Located In mar City shop ping centre In prime position, this business Is offered as oolno- concern $27,000, Good rent and lease terms available, with excellent T.O. figures.

Contact Don Best on 231 0022 ext. 639- Man, to Fri. 50LE AGENT HOOKER 16th Floor. Hooker House. 175 Pitt St.

Sydney. a BOUTIQUE JEANERY, 1300 sq. j. in main snopping centre Mascot. Well estab modern shop.

Av. to S135000 per rem. ig me rigiu purchaser this shop is a gold mine, si 2.000 goodwill plus iidv s.ou a.m. to BUTCHER Shop. Devonshire SY, aurry rims.

Average t.o. $1200 p.w. $5500, stock at cost. Owner retiring. 699 6941.


In the. middle' of and ladles rslair hir. ami tmosphere while their steaks are cooklTig. I-ULLT LICENSED VERY ATTRACTIVE BAR BARGAIN BUY $46,000 S.A.V. 334 Penshurst St." Willoughby.

406 dflfifi A rod ttnt BUSINESS. Bvron BayT i-iorrji nursfv rts. etc. S3S.000. fOBM n.

BUTCHERS. We have a Small number of quality shops which are once In a lifetime opportu-U'V'1, Tehev have good shoo uricca. inry are lor sale only on a personal basis. to make arrangements. TATE REAL ESTATE.

49S 1122 nnrrtrin. aou 1111 butchers, We have a thorough and this 'Is to your advantage TATE REAL ESTATE. 498 1122. Gordon. 498 1122.

BOBCAT tiotriicks In hastlngs dls- chase by goodwill and take over leases or purchase of existing ures available. PnV j' tails Phone (065) 83 4924 after BLOCK, 3x1 1x1" brm. hoi. flats orerating as a 4 dlam. motel on 1 "rB wiin mnovnr, ran.

ano DllUard Ad'- h'k has re- bath, and en-sutte to 2ndi altn a flat u. High letting per cent. Good for vwvHmB, casny managed. Suit semi-ret. couole.

Inq. to P. atX. P.O. La 11 Hot nn BUTCHER shop north' side, main SKrci.

JUUU P.W, UOOO potential. $15,000. ah 997 3491. 99 2131 RUN. P-matta area.

5400 P-w- BOUTIQUE. Ext. posn7 St. viarTs. uoon t.o.

fistanished jfr. rn, 3224, 670 1J67. a.h. BRISBANE Coin Machine Opera- opace Etb is years, retnlng $1700 m.vz. ym'J one person, $110.000.


Lovely Blue Mm, area. BUSINESS FREEHOLD TAKES TO $8000 P.W. Opens strktty days Only ESTABLISHED 65 YRS. With ABSOLUTELY HO OPPOSITION. (And none possible).

PULL PRICE $260,000. 'hit Inrliirtaa 71. as rax hold with some vendor finance. SOLE AGENT. 91 OXFORD BONO I JCT, 'N HEART OF CITY.

T.O. IN EXCESS OF $250,000 Least 3'x S. S39.0U0 plus S.A.V. Phone a.n. 529 4669.

BRICK Truck, grab- WMOoon "and uvuracia), wv wit. yard. Dig ynlnos. A1 truck. $60,000.

BUTCHER SHOP, Sutherland wire, quality shop; good lease. low rent, weil-equipedT very good business, genuine reasons for sail- ing. Phone 625 3678. a.h. 528 4945.

BICYCU SHOP. NQHTrl COAST. Key position, stable business, excellent, returns. Subcontracts $llow 1 parson operation, 2S.OO0 plus $25 000. ACCENT BUSINESS BROKERS, Level 49, M.LX.

Centre. Syd- Ph. 27 2931. AH. 522 B752.0 BUSINESSES FOR SALE BY KAtMUND DUTTON 40 53SB.

NO. 1. COFFEE, LOUNGE. T.O. $2700.

Nets $1200 for and w. 6'i days. Long lease. Modern and popular. EX CELLENT PRICE Of.

$110,000. S.A.V. No. 2. CERAMIC TILES.

Ave. monthly T.O. $70,000. Nets $15,000 p.m. Famous mid north coast centre.

Mod. premises. Top class security for $75,000 plus stock to suit. Don't miss It. No.

3. SALES AND SERVICE. T.O. $3500. Nets $1250.

5 days. Suit mech. minded. Cash flaw. See bank statements, it's improving.

Any trial. PRICE $55,000. W.I. WO. Details on 1, 2 and 3, phone RAYMOND DUTTON 46 5396.

4 Clark Place. Klllara. BOAT SALES AND REPAIRS. PORT STEPHENS. 1 Established marina business In growth area.

Large display area and work shop. Leased to suit on $170 per week Includes comfortable, 2 bedrom Unit. Ill health forces sale at stock' only figure. No goodwill asked. INNES CREIGHTON REAL ESTATE, 16 Stockton St.

Nelson Bay, Ph. STD (049) 81 1044, A.H. 81 111-7. BoUTlQUf: for sale, complete Set up ror a laoies aress snop. meui and wooden racks arid fittings.

1 display mannequin, etc. Rlnfl 699 4998 b.h.. 634 2767 a.h. BE your own boss. $1 1 ,000 for esiaoiisnca nome delivery ser vice, cash basis.

Approx. 1 2 hours per week. Immediate In. come, can grow. Write to P.O.

BRISBANE AREA: 2 ha. 'with 2 nouses. Kenneis (boarding and training facilities), licensed pet food outlet. One of present partners willing to assist for settling in period. Net profit at present $32,000 p.a.

All equipment necessary for operation Included In price. $174,000 plus S.A.V. In qulrles welcome at. DISCOUNT -REALTY (07) 204 5441. a.h..

285 1170. Many other proper-ties BOUTIQUE, new, Westfield Shop Pington. Hornsbv. tic-qant fixtures and fittings. Stork optional.

Oilers. Phone 231 6694, a.h. 439 4047. CANTEEN Supplier establ. lo scnooi outlets, 4 mornings, $19,000 gross.

$13,500 without van. 3bq nisv CENTRAL COAST. Grocery self-service, take-away. Main street holiday resort. Excellent equipment.

Takings $4000 p.w. Rent SI 20 p.w. Includes 45,000 32U2520SA'V' Pnone (043) CENTRAL COAST mm i anu KUITERY GALLERY. Freehold. 3 b.r.

nr. beach and lake. SR6.0000 W.W.O. Phone 043 32 6714. CITY.

FABRIC SHOP. Long established bus profits $1500 p.w. Asking price $27,500 plus stock. CITY. Coffee Lounges.

Sand-wiches. Milk Bars and Takeaway KOLAK R.E.M.B.A. 147A Klnq Street. Sydney. 233 168S.

CHICKEN SHOP. 524,500 Selling below plant cost, good location, potential. Gross $1700. nctt S700. Phone 520 6757.

CLEANING BUSINESS. Suit 1 or husband and. wife for early finish. 5450 p.w. Extra required.

Equipment Ind. S9S00. Ph. 624 B532. Xf Nt57J 519,000.

Jtak way food. Equlplled excellent family business, very good location, stock plant and AMfd none ,1 312 Pacific H'way. C. Nest. CHINESE RESTAURANT.

Licensed. iJ-0n9. ample car cannot be bettered, unlimited potential, rcMaurant space 1200 sq. ft seats 100 people and kitchen srvfC. etc.

1P00 sq. It. FIRST TO SEE WILL BUY. REAL ESTATE, -174 Willarong Rd. Carlngbah.

CHIL1RENSWF AP NO INITIAL CASH OUTLAY. Would yon like to take over the remaining 3 months of our iciiso at Mirandi's top class chll-drenswear shop? Option available pn further 2 year lease. We are being transferred to North Coast ar.d would like to negotiate above situation Including stock with the right person. Must finalise by loth March. Great don't miss out.

66 1171 or 524 7110. CARTAGE BUSINESS. Hlno 4ft T.T. 78, excel, I. equip, for work with friendly trans, co.

Auburn. Guaranteed mm. T.O. S21.000 p.a. plus.

Phone Mr Thompson, 647 1620 ,647 1541. 17.000. CARAVAN PARK FOR SALE. Gladstone, Qld. ares.

8 ha. freehold, 70 sites. 100 p.c. occupancy. Council approval for another 40 sites.

Plenty ol room for expansion and situated close to huge industrial projects. For fur-ther particulars phone 079 7S 0163. CITY. COFFEE LOUNGE. days, best city office area, closes 2.15 p.

hi. Bright clean easily run business, serving light snacks only, TAKING $1950, netting S800 mln. to couple. Reliable buying at $72,500. CITY.

COFFEE LOUNGE. Secure buvlng only 5 days, taking S3200 p.w.' Showing couple $1 200 profit. Most attractively fitted, has Instant appeal, asking $120,000. CITY. Netting S30.000.

COFFEE LOUNGE. $500" to couple, CITY SANDWICHES. Take away food, etc. Taking S2000 plus long lease, couple 7 P-W 0nly NUFFIELD YOUNGS, 147a King St. Sydney.

232 4511 Anytime. condition, cool rooms, main street position, 2 bedroom resi-deuce above shop. Shop would easily carry 2 families. Estimate turnover 1080-1981, $280,000. Price S54.000 S.A.V.

Particu-lars at olfice, TOWOON BAY REAL ESTATE. 87 Towoon Bay 40.. 043 32 6618. CARAVAN Parks. Pacific Highway, 3 acre park with shoo and high perrol sales, very neat aapcaraoce, prfme real estate location.

$245,000. Many other coastal and Inland caravan parks listed for sale. Contact Geoff Smith, Caravan P.i' Department. DON HEARN A CO. PTY.

LTD. 55 Molesworth LlSmore. Phonos 066 21 3628. a.h, 21 5078. CITY.

CENTRE. TAKE-AWAY. rCOFFEE LOUNGE. Bright, spacious and a pleasure to make big money In 5': relay week, easy hours. Nets $1400 per week.

Good rent, new release. Price $115,000. CITY COFFEE LOUNGE. Excellent hushantf and wire business, 50 seats. new in-: stnal carpet, 20 new Sonet tables.

I. rge spacious kit- chen, $2500, nets SI 000. WARD BROS. GILMOUR L. (Assoc.

J.A. Gilmour Sons), 149 Casticreagh St. Sydney. 264 7866. A.H.

660 8301, COFFEE LOUNGE, south coast. ideal ror outgoing couple. Good position In arcade. (044) 55 1940 A.H. corrs harbour and north.

Muitu, iu units, nignwa nrl niver. ti7K nnn. MOTEL AND RESTAURANT. S6ZS.O0O. MOTEL.

12 UNITS. $210,000. HOLIDAY UNITS. 5757.000. RESTAURANT F'hold.

$320,000. RESTAURANT. L'hold, $120,000. HOTEL MOTEL. $775 000.

for all Bu.lnee contact LAWRIC NEWBOULD, Plan Real Estate. 34 Park Be Plata. Coifs Harbour, 066 52 4728, 066 52 2266. WADE HICKSON PTY LTO. MOTEL BROKERS, 25 Bllgh Svdney.

M3 5100, a.h. 918 S0S0." I FORSALE A $200,000 Investment should net $85,000 in the first year. Premises, available as freehold- lease. -5 Current management can be retained. -1 Please phone: REDEPLOY MANAGEMENT GROUP 18 Chandos Street.

St. Leonards. W. 2065 (02) 436 3085 (02) 43 2660 MANUFACTURING BUSINESS Far North Coast New South Wales A orantibl well ttabMshed booming buldlng Industry Is offered tor sale. Current sales and mn aimOK unnmiiea.

ngum rm Hcmmni ana me This would one or tha Prlct 200,000 plus S.A.V. luiur MANAGEMENT GROUP P.O. BOX 80, BYRON BAY, 2481. WAGGA OUTSTANDING CASH FLOW BUSINESS Enjoy the benefits ol an instant Cash Flow Opportunity now by investing in Australia's most enterprising business that has great tax advantages. Video coin operated amusem*nt games (e.g.

Space invaders) have captured the imagination of every- one. Investments start at $3500. Leasing finance available to approved applicants. Earn up to $300 p.w. depending on your investment package.

Simply collect cash each week from: Take-aways, Clubs, Hotels and Laundromats, etc. the vcW well located. TuOmvfli 4 19B0 S197.I00 This It a lena-sMfahllthed huslnasi. Prra tAti OOO bIub atrwV laoinii, luu.ijugj, icrma vaiiaoi FRANCHISE J) CARPET INDUSTRY best businesses on tha far north approx. $30,000.

WAGGA io an approvca OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYED lata anil hiatal I Inn ANano In ttieJ II 'a aa Iriaal rnAhaw.rnalra lav 8 An opportunity etists to oin one of Sydney fastest grow-ina retailers. Contact Solo Agentit. Hore Davies Phon, (0(9) 21 2113 Or 25 2268 a.h. WAGGA Presently wa have several locations available including the Central Coast, North and Edit Sydney plus South Coast. Age generally present' no barrier and an Investment of $20,000 -will include- the complete shop fitting, sampling and sign writing of your premises.

This is an ideal husband and wife business providing an opportunity to be part a wel) organised and publicised marketing group. for further details. All inquiries treated con Contact 727 fidentially. APPLIED ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES PTY LTD. Level 36, M.L.C.


YOUR BUSINESS BE SELF Ra Vfwii nwn hAa aa a O.i iaBrowinB iniuiaiion inuutirv. Work fiill.tlmn flr Mrt.tlrna.- husband and wit team. CENTRE SITE. Comprls. Roller --A skating rink.

Gymnai-I Sauna. CENTRAL COAST Pro. Shop, Food Kl' Area at! FRU'T MARKET. 4B67 sa.m. To be auctioned at Growing (pislness, high turn-Beenlelgh, Sat.

14381, 11.00 Bl1 t-nulpmont. excellent Mbil hnanciat management teieareh centra And tho Investment can less than SBOO, For mora Information contact: THI MANAGER, 12 WHITAKER STRtiT, YENNORA. N.S.W. 2161. Phona (02) J2 1322, SERVICE STATION BUSINESS LIVERPOOL AREA Wa havt available (or lease this self' serve site in the Liverpool area The person wc seek for this unique retail opportunity will' have had a successful background In such or similar merchandising with approximately S40.000 to invest in stock, plant and working capital without any goodwill amount required.

Four weeks paid training will be provided to complement and strengthen your own experience in all aspects ol the business. PLEASE CONTACT MISS A. FLIGHTY ON SYDNEY '02) 2 0546 MOBIL OIL AUSTRALIA UNITED GETTING INTO AND MANAGING A FRANCHISE BUSINESS Franchising is the GROWTH INDUSTRY OF THE 1980'it ARE YOU INVOLVED IN FRANCHISING? CONSIDERING FRANCHISE OPERATION? AN ADVISOR TO FRANCHISE BUSINESSES? THEN THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOUI The Financial Management Research Centre, University of New England, invites you to participate in a residential workshop on all aspects of operating a successful franchise to be held March 1 9 (Thursday evening) to March 22 (Sunday evening), 1981. Find out more by The Workshop Co-ordlnator, Financial Management Research Centra, University of New Englend, ARMIDALE N.S.W. 2351 Phone (067) 72 61 99 Complete and return the coupon for detailed brochure to be sent to you.

AL0M0 SERVICE STATION -AND TOURIST STOP NORTH QUEENSLAND MISSION BtACH Comblotaly freehold. Sit'eo on 1 acre corner block In. fastest growing beach area in North Queensland HlatUrnoverwlthroom I6r exoannon All genuine inquiries phone Tully 070 68 8 1 97 or write Box 599. Tully. 4854.

University ot New England brochure of your next POSTCODE: L. J. HOOKER BEENLEIGH 101A George St, BEENLEIGH. (07) 287 2402. A.H.: Peter McLachlan, (071 287 2055.

at BOAT Business under survey, Tweed River, coxswain Driver Lie. reo. for S-Dav Cruises. All equip. Jetty.

Phone 075 31 373 a.n. BRISBANE 24 MILES. BEENLEIGH 24 MILES. GOLD COAST. Corner Store and Take-away Food.

Situated on Main Road. Freehold Building and Vacant Block adjoining. Turnover jauu.uuu PIUS meal Family Business with Huge Profit Margin. Price S16S.O0O plus Stock ai vaiue. lOiiS EAST SUBS BUSINESS BROKERS PTY.

LTD BUYING OR SELLING In the Eastern Suburos SEE US FIRST. 91 OXFORD ST. BONDI JCT. Phone 389 8711. a.h.

30 6641, IYING A BUS'NESST Ensure It ii promaoic. ror a sma.i ree (mln, S2S), we will A.J. P. MANAGEMENT SERVICES. "hone 633 1952, BUTCHERIES for sale all suburos and country, big or small, tsxe.

your Pick at Cec Phil Ho 7a Bartlett St. Summer 798X533. Want more anywhere. Is RON BAY. Mixed.

r. reti cence aitacnec. icast-mo. annual turnover $135,000. $36,000 plus sa.v.

Ph. 066 85 6495. BAKERIES. 2 shoos fully equipped as ln-itore bakeries for bread and Rastrv production. Beth situated i prime locations witi be sold at well-below tost for a quick tale.

For further particulars 5h 0 David Stephens, 33 2133. PROFIT BUILDER! CASH IN ON REFLEXOMETER THE COMPELLING NEW HEALTH AND GAME MACHINE FOR Hotels, (Ms, Food Bars, Squash Courts, Sporting Centres, etc. A fabluous way (o generate extra cash for your business extra excitement lor your customers. The new digital REFLEXOMETER follows the enormous success of the Cardiomeler Ilia heartbeat machine ordered for over 700 sites; Opinion, Isviiton, dTilrlButert are Invited to check out "tho tremendous potential, Players insert 20c for 4 -attempts to beat Uieir best (or competitor's best) reflex score, ranging from Dead Drunk to Almost Impossible on a digital scoring scale. It's lun and brings out the competitive spirit in players.

No complicated circuitry. 3 months warranty. Potential cash return S300-S500 a week plus a donation per machine to selected charities. It's a winner for everyone) Low price now available on first release so order bow. You can pay cash tor some or all units or wa can arrange leasing and hire purchase terms.

Phone 27 8997 for full details or Health equipment Department P.O.BoxJieS Brickfield 2000 CANBERRA-MUSICAL INSTRUMENT RETAIL STORE GETTING INTO AND MANAGING A FRANCHISE BUSINESS A RESIDENTIAL WORKSHOP: MARCH 122, 1 961 A leading Canberra music store sptcialislno in orofesslonal and semi professional musical instruments and accessories is offered for sale This well established Company has butlt up a high reputation and consistently records highly profitable results The company operates on it own premises The building mav also be sold to a purchaser The business is a leader in the professional area and carries Quality stock. At Oakey In Queensland NURSERY BUSINESS 25km from city of Toowoomba Thriving business currently over $65 000 a This shop has expanded rapidly over the last 4 years and has no opposition GARDEN PLANTS SEEDS SEEDLINGS POTS AQUARIUM FISH TANKS FISH POOD. PET SUPPLIES. Lease available Groat ooooriunitv in an expanding town. PRICE $16000 PLUS A for details phone (02) 349 1013.

HOUSE ALSO for salt (See Houses for sale interstate) Please send me a detailed workshop: ADDRESS: -TELEPHONE: (Continued on Next Pag.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.